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How to implement class lock objects for multithreaded access

Assuming I have the following oversimplified class and want to protect the resource from multi-thread access. How can I incorporate sth like a class-lock where each "entry-point" into the public interface first has to acquire a class lock before being allowed to use the interface?

class MyClass
    void A();
    void B();
    void C();
    void D();
    void E();

    SharedResource _res;

void MyClass::A()

void MyClass::B()
  // do sth with _res

void MyClass::C()
  // do sth with _res

void MyClass::D()
  // do sth with _res

void MyClass::E()
  // do sth with _res

I could do it by locking a class mutex in each of the methods and then have two versions of methods B-E like so:

void MyClass::A()
  std::lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);

void MyClass::B()
  std::lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);

void MyClass::B_mtx()
  // logic of B

// ...

But this actually looks more cumbersome and harder to get correct in larger, complicated interfaces than requiring the client to first ask the class for a lock object and then be allowed to savely use the class' interface until he releases the lock again. Is there a way to easily implement this? Can I just have a method getLock where I create a lock on a class mutex and use move-assigment to get it to the client? How can I ensure inside the class that the caller owns the lock when calling a method on it?

like image 848
user1709708 Avatar asked Nov 24 '15 13:11


1 Answers

If you need your class to be thread-safe, that is, only usable under a lock, you can make all the public functions accept a reference to a std::lock (ideally wrapped in a custom object, or at least a typedef):

class MyClass
  mutable std::mutex mtx;

  using Lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;

  void A(Lock &l)
    assert(l.mutex() == mtx);
    // ...

  void B(Lock &l)
    assert(l.mutex() == mtx);
    // ...

  Lock getLock() const
  { return Lock(mtx); }

  void releaseLock(Lock &&l) const
  { Lock l2 = std::move(l); }

However, an alternative would be to let the class ignore locking issues, and instead provide a thread-safe wrapper for it. A very similar idea was presented by Herb Sutter in one of his talks(1):

class MyClass
  void A()

  void B()

class MyClass_ThreadSafe
  MyClass m;
  std::mutex mtx;

  template <class Operation>
  auto call(Operation o) -> decltype(o(m))
    std::unique_lock l(mtx);
    return o(m);

// Usage:

MyClass_ThreadSafe mc;
  [](MyClass &c)

(1)C++ and Beyond 2012 — Herb Sutter: C++ Concurrency from minute 36 on.

like image 68
Angew is no longer proud of SO Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Angew is no longer proud of SO