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Does delete[] deallocate memory in one shot after invoking destructors?

I understand that, when we write delete [] on a pointer created by a corresponding new [], the program will look for the accounting information on the array and find out the array's element size (a counter). Then the program invokes the element's destructor on each of them. Finally memory (what memory??) is deallocated by a function named operator delete.

What I am asking is whether delete[] will deallocate the entire memory, allocated by the new[] expression, in one shot because that information (total amount of memory) is available after all elements are destroyed, or will it successively deallocate the memory occupied by the array elements that it has invoked destructors on?

A related follow-up quesion is asked Does delete (non array form) know the total amount of memory allocated by either new or new[]

like image 950
Rich Avatar asked Sep 10 '15 16:09


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1 Answers

All of the memory will be released to the underlying allocator at once. This is mandated by the C++ standard, although not especially clearly. N3337 is the closest approximation to the official C++11 standard available online for free. Look at section 5.3.5, [expr.delete], which spells out the code that an invocation of delete[] expands to. In particular, operator delete[] is called once in step 7, after destructors have been invoked for all elements of the array (step 6).

You can also deduce this behavior from the wording in [new.delete.array] regarding what pointers are valid to pass to operator delete[]: "... shall be the value returned by an earlier call to operator new[] (... caveats ...)". Since operator new[] returns one pointer to an entire array, operator delete[] must also be invoked once for an entire array.

like image 182
zwol Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
