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How to handle uninitialized local variables




After reading this Eric Lippert Article, I understand that the C# compiler doesn't like it if we leave local variables uninitialized.

As I encounter this 'problem' from time to time, I looked at some of my old code and was able to weed out most of the situation where actually don't need uninitialized (SomeClass obj = null) local variables.

But I came up with a situation where I don't know how to refactor the code.

public void DoSomething(string foo) {   

    SomeClass obj; // = null; 

    try {
        obj = SomeClass.CreateItem(target);
    } catch(CustomException ex) {
        // notify UI of error

    if (obj != null) {
        // do something with `obj`

SomeClass.CreateItem may fail due to external factors. If it does, I want to notify the user, if not I want to perform an Action.

The C# compiler doesn't want me to leave obj uninitialized, so I usually assign null to it.

This feels like a 'hack' now and my question is:

Is there a design flaw in the code above?

And if there is, how should I deal with references at compile time, when I can't determine if they are going to point to an existing object at run time?

like image 798
MrPaulch Avatar asked Jul 08 '15 18:07


1 Answers

I would refactor the code like this:

private SomeClass TryToCreateItem()
        return SomeClass.CreateItem(target);
    catch(CustomException ex) 
        // notify UI of error
    return null;

public void DoSomething(string foo) 
    SomeClass obj = TryToCreateItem(); 
    if (obj != null) {
      // do something with `obj`

"Extract method" is my favourite refactoring.

like image 161
Eric Lippert Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

Eric Lippert