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How to give a Pydantic list field a default value?

I want to create a Pydantic model in which there is a list field, which left uninitialized has a default value of an empty list. Is there an idiomatic way to do this?

For Python's built-in dataclass objects you can use field(default_factory=list), however in my own experiments this seems to prevent my Pydantic models from being pickled. A naive implementation might be, something like this:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Foo(BaseModel):
    defaulted_list_field: Sequence[str] = [] # Bad!

But we all know not to use a mutable value like the empty-list literal as a default.

So what's the correct way to give a Pydantic list-field a default value?

like image 992
Salim Fadhley Avatar asked Sep 08 '20 12:09

Salim Fadhley

Video Answer

2 Answers

For pydantic you can use mutable default value, like:

class Foo(BaseModel):
    defaulted_list_field: List[str] = []

f1, f2 = Foo(), Foo()

print(f1) # defaulted_list_field=['hey!']
print(f2) # defaulted_list_field=[]

It will be handled correctly (deep copy) and each model instance will have its own empty list.

Pydantic also has default_factory parameter. In the case of an empty list, the result will be identical, it is rather used when declaring a field with a default value, you may want it to be dynamic (i.e. different for each model).

from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

class Foo(BaseModel):
    defaulted_list_field: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
    uid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)

like image 55
alex_noname Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10


While reviewing my colleague's merge request I saw the usage of a mutable object as a default argument and pointed that out. To my surprise, it works as if have done a deepcopy of the object. I found an example in the project's readme, but without any clarification. And suddenly realized that developers constantly ignore this question for a long time (see links at the bottom).

Indeed, you can write something like this. And expect correct behavior:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Foo(BaseModel):
    defaulted_list_field: List[str] = []

But what happens underhood? We need to go deeper...

After a quick search through the source code I found this:

class ModelField(Representation):
    def get_default(self) -> Any:
        return smart_deepcopy(self.default) if self.default_factory is None else self.default_factory()

While smart_deepcopy function is:

def smart_deepcopy(obj: Obj) -> Obj:
    Return type as is for immutable built-in types
    Use obj.copy() for built-in empty collections
    Use copy.deepcopy() for non-empty collections and unknown objects

    obj_type = obj.__class__
        return obj  # fastest case: obj is immutable and not collection therefore will not be copied anyway
        if not obj and obj_type in BUILTIN_COLLECTIONS:
            # faster way for empty collections, no need to copy its members
            return obj if obj_type is tuple else obj.copy()  # type: ignore  # tuple doesn't have copy method
    except (TypeError, ValueError, RuntimeError):
        # do we really dare to catch ALL errors? Seems a bit risky

    return deepcopy(obj)  # slowest way when we actually might need a deepcopy

Also, as mentioned in the comments you can not use mutable defaults in databases attributes declaration directly (use default_factory instead). So this example is not valid:

from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass

class Foo:
    bar: list = []

And gives:

ValueError: mutable default <class 'list'> for field bar is not allowed: use default_factory

Links to open discussions (no answers so far):

  • Why isn't mutable default value (field = List[int] = []) a documented feature?
  • How does pydantic.BaseModel handle mutable default args?
like image 1
funnydman Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10
