There are only two hard problems in distributed systems:
2. Exactly-once delivery
1. Guaranteed order of messages
2. Exactly-once delivery
These are some of my, in my opinion, noteworthy answers:
std::shared_ptr thread safety
Difference between std::atomic and std::condition_variable wait, notify_* methods
How to do multiprocessing in FastAPI
Asyncio.gather vs asyncio.wait
Understanding Python contextvars
Websockets bridge for audio stream in FastAPI
Is `asyncio.sleep(delay)` guarenteed to sleep for at least `delay` seconds?
python asyncio how to read StdIn and write to StdOut?
Weird behaviour of asyncio.CancelledError and "_GatheringFuture exception was never retrieved"
Why does asyncio.CancelledError need to be re-raised?
What is the correct/best way to define and initialize a python class who init involves Asyncio routines
How Method Resolution Order (MRO) is working in this Python code
What is the difference between an object's set of attributes and its namespace?
Sharing python objects across multiple workers