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How to get the selected option from p:selectOneRadio using javascript

How do you get which radio is selected within p:selectOneRadio using javascript/jquery ?

Since the p:selectOneRadio uses no radio tags I have no idea how to get the checked option using CSS selectors.

    <p:selectOneRadio onchange="reactToChangedRadio()" >
              <f:selectItem itemLabel="....." itemValue="..." />
              <f:selectItem itemLabel="....." itemValue="..." />
              <f:selectItem itemLabel="....." itemValue="..." />
like image 840
Rajat Gupta Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 05:12

Rajat Gupta

2 Answers

The problem could be solved easily with jquery find() by using getJQ method of the pf widget:

<p:selectOneRadio ... widgetVar="mySelectName" .../>

we can obtain current value by calling:

like image 120
Dmitry Smirnov Avatar answered May 02 '23 08:05

Dmitry Smirnov

You can use the jquery solution or choose a simple javascript solution:


See the post from CodeRanch: http://www.coderanch.com/t/210871/JSF/java/selectOneRadio-javascript-value

UPDATE: I must admit that I'm in a dept, and I'm sorry for that but yesterday I haven't had much time...

I must say that I haven't been able to get the radio value in the old fashioned javascript way:

                 <script type="text/javascript">
                      /*  <![CDATA[ */

                        function reactToChangedRadio(){
                           alert("I'm in!");
                           var myval;
                                    if(document.forms['myFormId']['myFormId:myRadio'][i].checked == true ){
                                        myval = document.forms['myFormId']['myFormId:myRadio'].text/value;
                                alert( "val = " + myval );
                    /*    ]]> */

On the other hand, this hard-coded solution works:

                 <script type="text/javascript">
                      /*  <![CDATA[ */

                        function reactToChangedRadio(){
                           alert("I'm in");
                           var myval;
                           if(document.forms['myFormId']['myFormId:myRadio'][0].checked == true ){
                              myval = "first button";
                           }else if(document.forms['myFormId']['myFormId:myRadio'][1].checked == true ){
                              myval = "second button";
                           }else if(document.forms['myFormId']['myFormId:myRadio'][2].checked == true ){
                              myval = "third button";

                           alert( "val = " + myval );
                    /*    ]]> */

,but of course, because of Primefaces power, there is a server side solution(using ReuqestContext component):

                 <h:form id="myFormId">
                        <p:selectOneRadio id="myRadio" value="#{handleFiles.radioVal}" >
                            <p:ajax event="change" oncomplete="handleComplete(xhr, status, args)" listener="#{handleFiles.testMethod}" />
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="1" itemValue=" first" />
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="2" itemValue=" second" />
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="3" itemValue=" third" />
<script type="text/javascript">
 function handleComplete(xhr, status, args) {  
    alert("Selected Radio Value" + args.myRadVal);  

The server side code:

private String radioVal;

public String getRadioVal() {
    return radioVal;

public void setRadioVal(String radioVal) {
    this.radioVal = radioVal;

public void test(){
    RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();  
    context.addCallbackParam("myRadVal", radioVal);
    System.out.println("radioVal: "+radioVal);

the ReuqestContext component can be found here: http://www.primefaces.org/showcase-labs/ui/requestContext.jsf (only for PF 3)

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spauny Avatar answered May 02 '23 06:05
