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Primefaces - Get files in alphabetical order in multiple file upload component

I am using Primefaces Multiple file upload component in an application. Here i choose 'n' number of files and clicked on upload button. Then i need to get each files in fileUploadListener according to alphabetical order. How it possible?

like image 663
Anish Antony Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 11:12

Anish Antony

1 Answers

As the multiple file upload component is a jQuery-File-Upload plugin, the default state is not sequential, that means all the files get upload asynchronously.

To get the component to do a sequential upload, you have to set sequentialUploads to true, and on change we do a little alphabetical sorting of the current files. all this is done by javascript.

Assuming your widgetVar is fileUploadWV

<p:fileUpload widgetVar="fileUploadWV"
              fileUploadListener="#{attachmentBean.onUpload}" />

   $(function() {
      // setTimeout waits till the widgetVar is ready!
      setTimeout(sortFileUpload, 2000);

   function sortFileUpload() {
      //Set this option to true to issue all file upload requests in a sequential order instead of simultaneous requests.  
      PF('fileUploadWV').jq.data().blueimpFileupload.options.sequentialUploads = true;

      //every time a new file is added, sort the files based on name
      PF('fileUploadWV').jq.change(function() {
          PF('fileUploadWV').files.sort(function fileSort(a, b) {
           return a.name.localeCompare(b.name)

So in this scenario your files would get uploaded in an alphabetical order.

Note: if you don't set sequentialUploads into true, you have no control which file is going to be sent first.

Github, Online Demo

enter image description here

Hope this helps.

like image 68
Hatem Alimam Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12

Hatem Alimam