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How to get the name of each element of a list using lapply()?




Imagine that I have the following list

> test <- list("a" = 1, "b" = 2)

Each element of the list has a name :

> names(test)

Now, I want to extract that name using lapply() because I want to use it in a new function which will be called using lapply. I just don't know how to extract the name of each element.

I've tried using deparse() and substitute() but the outcome is weird :

> lapply(test, function(x) {deparse(substitute(x))})
[1] "X[[i]]"

[1] "X[[i]]"

Does anyone has a clue ?

Precision :

I want to do something like this : I have a list which is like test :

> test <- list("a" = matrix(1, ncol = 3), "b" = matrix(2, ncol = 3))

I want to apply a function to that list which transform the data inside each element and give a specific name for each column :

make_df <- function(x) {
  output <- data.frame(x)
  names(output) <- c("items", "type", NAME_OF_X)
lapply(test, make_df)

The expected output is :

> test
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    1    1
[1] "index" "type"  "a"    

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    2    2    2
[1] "index" "type"  "b"    

I don't know how I can get the name of the element to give a name to my third column.

like image 942
PAC Avatar asked Jun 24 '15 12:06


2 Answers

Assuming you meant for both elements of test to contain a 3-columned matrix, you can use mapply() and provide separately the list and the list's names:

  test <- list("a" = matrix(1, ncol = 3), "b" = matrix(2, ncol = 3))

  make_df <- function(x, y) {
    output <- data.frame(x)
    names(output) <- c("items", "type", y)

  mapply(make_df, x = test, y = names(test), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

which produces:

## $a
##   items type a
## 1     1    1 1
## $b
##   items type b
## 1     2    2 2


To achieve the expected output you describe in your updated question:

test.names <- lapply(names(test), function(x) c("index", "type", x))
Map(setNames, test, test.names)


## $a
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    1    1
## attr(,"names")
## [1] "a"     "index" "type"  
## $b
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    2    2    2
## attr(,"names")
## [1] "b"     "index" "type"  
like image 167
aaronwolen Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 13:09


Here's a solution using purrr. It seems to run faster than the solution by aaronwolden but slower than akrun's solution (if that's important):

map2(test, names(test), function(vec, name) {
    names(vec) <- c("index", "type", name)

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    1    1
[1] "index" "type"  "a"    

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    2    2    2
[1] "index" "type"  "b"    
like image 35
thie1e Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
