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Downloading Reactive Objects in Shiny




Is it possible to download objects in shiny without having to create a separate, redundant, instance of that object within the downloadHandler() call? For example, consider the following example:



  headerPanel("Simple Example"),

    textInput("options","Enter some content:",""),

    downloadButton('downloadData','Save Data as CSV File')



shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  makeQuery <- reactive({
      if(input$options == ""){
        return("Enter some options")
      else {

  runQuery <- function(query){
    dat <- data.frame(v1=rep(query,5))

  output$dataTable <- renderTable({
    query <- makeQuery()
    } else {

  output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
    filename = c('data.csv'),
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(runQuery(makeQuery()), file)


The issue I have with the above example is that I am running runQuery() within both the renderTable() and downloadHandler() calls. In this example there isn't really any extra overhead but in my real example this requires running a 5-10 minute process so it is extremely inefficient to call it twice whenever someone downloads the data.

Is there anyway that I can get around this issue by referencing an already created object in the downloadHandler() call or some other work around?

like image 621
David Avatar asked Jun 24 '13 18:06


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You can create reactive output with a two step process. Add an R object to your user interface. Tell Shiny how to build the object in the server function. The object will be reactive if the code that builds it calls a widget value.

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1 Answers

Yes! Turn the query from a function that you call from two places, into a reactive expression that you access from two places. Reactive expressions cache their results automatically.

like image 196
Joe Cheng Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Joe Cheng