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How to get SHA of commit for Xcode Bot "Run Script" Trigger? Updating status of tests on Github

I have created an Xcode Bot that integrates on each commit.

In the "Run Script" Trigger I would like to update the current GitHub commit with the integration status of Tests that were run. Pretty standard CI stuff.

Xcode Bot Run Script

I'll then be running a script like the below:

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json"
-H 'Authorization: token TOKEN_HERE' -d 
"state": "success",
"target_url": "https://example.com/build/status",
"description": "The build succeeded!",
"context": "continuous-integration/jenkins"

It looks like I'll be able to get the success or failure states from the Xcode Bot Environment variables:

Access build folder in Xcode Server CI bot run (env variables?)

However, the SHA of the current commit is not listed. How am I able to get the SHA of the commit used for the Integration at this point, to be used in the GitHub Status API request?

like image 748
pkamb Avatar asked Feb 20 '15 02:02


3 Answers

I am using this code in my Xcode Bot triggers to get the SHA of the commit:

git -C ${XCS_SOURCE_DIR}/name_of_your_git_repo rev-parse HEAD

And this to get the branch name:

git -C ${XCS_SOURCE_DIR}/name_of_your_git_repo rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

This executes a git command in the source directory, replace "name_of_your_git_repo" by the name of your repository on git

like image 72
Emmanuel G. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Emmanuel G.

XCS_OUTPUT_DIR has a file called sourceControl.log. This file has logs like the following:

"DVTSourceControlLocationRevisionKey" : "3787c0d9e5107861a8b8d4c7300b2d414ad41dbb",

You can parse that log to find the SHA.

Perhaps more practically, CaveJohnson can pull the SHA:

SHA=`cavejohnson getSha`

Or it can just go ahead and set the GitHub status as a one-liner:

cavejohnson setGithubStatus

Notably, there are more statuses than just success and failure, there are at least 6 that I'm aware of. You can read more about them in my Xcode 6 CI Missing Manual.

like image 24
Drew Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


Using the cavejohnson code in the other answer, which gets the hash from certain keys an Xcode log, I ran into an issue where the returned hash was an outdated one from the last build.

I'm now instead using git rev-parse HEAD to get the hash of the commit that was actually used in the CI build. I've submitted this as a revision to cavejohnson.

Use get_sha() to retrieve the SHA-1 hash:

def get_sha():
    return get_repo_sha(get_git_directory())

def get_git_directory():
    for subdir in os.listdir('.'):
        if is_git_directory(subdir):
            return subdir
    assert False

def is_git_directory(path = '.'):
    return subprocess.call(['git', '-C', path, 'status'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')) == 0    

def get_repo_sha(repo):
    sha = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=repo).decode('ascii').strip()
    return sha
like image 25
pkamb Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
