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How to get oobCode for localization purpose

Firebase allows only one language for confirmations emails. Whole nicely done products are useless for multi-language apps. I want to make my own confirmation system. The only question is how can I get this oobCode which is generated inside firebase. site.com?mode=&oobCode=

Thank you.

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saintPeter Avatar asked Jan 06 '17 22:01


People also ask

How to get the oobcode from email verification?

The link in the "email verification" email contains the oobCodeas a query string parameter. There is actually no way to generate this code via the Firebase Authentication API or via the Admin SDKs. So, you need to extract the code from the query string and call the REST API endpointwith this code.

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1 Answers

There is currently no way to generate a valid oobCode value through the Firebase Authentication API. It can only be sent in the (as you've said "non-translatable") email message.

But you can build your own email verification mechanism if you want, using your own confirmation code to verify email ownership. You'd:

  1. Generate a random, unguessable code on a server
  2. Send it to the user's email address and then
  3. When the user clicks the confirmation link, have your own end point on the same server that you call back to
  4. At this point you can use the Firebase Admin SDK to set the emailVerified property to true.

For an example of the last step, see: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/manage-users#update_a_user

Thanks to @Nikhil in the comments: Alternatively you can roll your own verification altogether and use the Admin SDK to set emailVerified to true. See the Firebase documentation for an example of that.

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Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09

Frank van Puffelen