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What is the maximum length of Firebase a user property value?

I'm passing along some client-generated user properties into Firebase Analytics and encountered the following message in logcat:

W/FA: Value is too long; discarded. Value kind, name, value length: user property, comp0, 37 D/FA: Logging event (FE): error(_err), Bundle[{firebase_event_origin(_o)=auto, firebase_error_length(_el)=37, firebase_error_value(_ev)=comp0, firebase_error(_err)=7}]

I looked up error code 7 in the Firebase Analytics Error Codes page, and while it reveals that the code means "user property value is too long", it doesn't specify what the maximum length is.

What's the maximum length of user property values? Is there a maximum length for key names, too?

like image 787
Paul Lammertsma Avatar asked Jun 13 '17 15:06

Paul Lammertsma

People also ask

What is user property in firebase?

User properties are attributes you define to describe segments of your user base, such as language preference or geographic location. These can be used to define audiences for your app.

What is user property?

User properties are attributes that describe groups of your user base, such as their language preferences or geographic locations. You can use user properties to define audiences.

How do I see user properties in Google Analytics?

To find some user properties that you want to create, go to the data layer screen in your Tag Manager account to see what values you are tracking and find the ones you want to recreate in GA4. Or, on the User Properties page of your Analytics account, click Create first user property.

1 Answers

The documentation for FirebaseAnalytics.UserProperty reveals the answer:

UserProperty names can be up to 24 characters long, may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores ("_"), and must start with an alphabetic character. UserProperty values can be up to 36 characters long.

like image 177
Paul Lammertsma Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Paul Lammertsma