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How to get NGINX to restart/reload from a cron job?




I am trying to restart the NGINX service from a script which is called via a cron job (it works when run in the command line by the root user) - I am not sure if this is relevant but the cron job in question is also created via a script. I have tried multiple commands but the current one that I am using is the below:

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Any help on this would be great!


Below is the script that the cron runs and tries to reload the nginx service




echo $DOMAIN
echo $SITE_DIR

# Remove the nginx configurtations

# Remove the access log
rm -Rf /var/log/nginx/$SITE_DIR.access.log

# Remove unicorn socket log
rm -Rf /tmp/unicorn.$SITE_DIR.sock

# Remove the DB
sudo psql -U postgres -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.pid) FROM pg_stat_activity     WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = '_$SITE_DIR' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();"
dropdb -U postgres $SITE_DIR

# Remove the sites application from the server

if [[ ! "$(/sbin/service nginx status)" =~ "start/running" ]]
   /etc/init.d/nginx reload
like image 727
Simon Fletcher Avatar asked Sep 20 '14 21:09

Simon Fletcher

People also ask

How do I restart and reload Nginx?

We need to restart or reload Nginx whenever we make changes to its configuration. The reload option will load the new configuration, start new worker processes with the new configuration and gracefully shut down old worker processes. To reload the Nginx, type one of the following commands: $ sudo systemctl reload nginx.

How does Nginx reload work?

Nginx ReloadApplies new configuration, that is, to open log files and new listen sockets. If this fails, it rolls back changes and continues to work with old configuration. If this succeeds, it starts new worker processes, and sends messages to old worker processes requesting them to shut down gracefully.

1 Answers

You need make a cron job like root user, so, add new cron job, log as root user, with su and then run crontab -e and add it,

0 * * * * /etc/init.d/nginx reload

Or edit your


with your root user and add the cron

0 * * * * root /etc/init.d/nginx reload

(adjust the schedule as needed; the above will run every hour on the hour)

You cant run a cron with sudo (I think). You need to log on as root or edit crontab as root and add your comand.


Why don't you run only

/etc/init.d/nginx reload

Instead of:

if [[ ! "$(/sbin/service nginx status)" =~ "start/running" ]]
   /etc/init.d/nginx reload

Or, better, try this:

/etc/init.d/nginx status > /dev/null 
if [ $status  -eq "0" ]; then
    /etc/init.d/nginx reload

There you can add a else if nginx is stoped to restart it or something like that... forme working I use it on my lite monitoring script http://kb.skamasle.com/2013/monitorear-servicios-ftp-mysql-apache-etc-y-levantar-si-esta-caido/

In any case we also can use this:

* * * * * /usr/bin/pgrep nginx > /dev/null || /etc/init.d/nginx restart >> /var/log/messages

One liner cron than just check if nginx pid is there if not restart it

like image 90
Skamasle Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
