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Server sent events stopped work after enabling ssl on proxy

I made web project, that based on Tomcat and Nginx in front of him.
Had to work hard to make it work without errors.
However, when I added ssl to nginx. Stopped working server sent events.
If i acess to backend server directly - it works, so problem somewhere whith nginx.
Have someone with such a problem?
Here is relative parts of configuration

My nginx.conf (im not using sites-enabled yet, and placed my app configured here too. Basic settings at the end of conf). /SecurConfig/api/tutorial/listen - is source of events

user www-data;
worker_processes 4;
pid /run/nginx.pid;

events {
worker_connections 768;
# multi_accept on;

http {

root /data/;

listen 80;
#   server_name ajaxdemo.in.ua;
#   proxy_set_header Host ajaxdemo.in.ua;
location / {
rewrite ^(.*)$ https://ajaxdemo.in.ua$1 permanent;

server {
#listen 80;
listen 443 default ssl;

#ssl on;
    ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/server.key; 

  proxy_set_header  Host               $host;
  proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP          $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_set_header            X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

location / {
    root /data/www;

    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' *;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET';

    if ($http_cookie ~* "jsessionid=([^;]+)(?:;|$)") {
        set $co "jsessionid=$1";
    #proxy_set_header Cookie "$co";

    add_before_body /header.html;
    add_after_body /footer.html;

location /SecurConfig/api/tutorial/listen {

    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' *;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET';

    ##Server sent events set
    proxy_set_header Connection '';
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    chunked_transfer_encoding off;

    proxy_connect_timeout 300;
   proxy_send_timeout 300;
   proxy_read_timeout 300;

    proxy_buffering on;
    proxy_buffer_size 8k;
    #proxy_cache off;

    if ($http_cookie ~* "jsessionid=([^;]+)(?:;|$)") {
        set $co "jsessionid=$1";
    #proxy_set_header Cookie "$co";


location /SecurConfig/ {
    root /data/www;

    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' *;
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
    add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET';

    if ($http_cookie ~* "jsessionid=([^;]+)(?:;|$)") {
        set $co "jsessionid=$1";
    #proxy_set_header Cookie "$co";

    add_before_body /header.html;
    add_after_body /footer.html;

location ~ \.css$ {
root /data/css/;

location /header.html {
root  /data/www;
location /footer.html {
root  /data/www;

location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$ {
    root /data/images;


# Basic Settings

sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
keepalive_timeout 65;
types_hash_max_size 2048;
client_max_body_size 100m;

include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;

# Logging Settings

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

# Gzip Settings

gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";

# Virtual Host Configs

include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
#   include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

There are no error entries in error logs of nginx. But there is also mention about acess to /SecurConfig/api/tutorial/listen in acess logs. Code 200 means "all is ok"

"GET /SecurConfig/api/tutorial/listen HTTP/1.1" 200 187 "https://ajaxdemo.in.ua/SecurConfig/api/tutorial/map/11111111" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0"

Tomcat log shows acess to /SecurConfig/api/tutorial/listen as usual(e.g. checks security acess, accepts it, and resends to controller).
If i run my page in chrome developer mode, i see this error

GET https://ajaxdemo.in.ua/SecurConfig/api/tutorial/listen net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE


Okay. While i searched info on internet, i left my page with SSE opened. And after 10 minutes, i saw, that my data appeared just as it must be. I commented all settings according to buffering
    #proxy_buffering on;
    #proxy_buffer_size 8k;
    #proxy_cache off;

And i commented also parameters

     #proxy_connect_timeout 300;
    #proxy_send_timeout 300;
    #proxy_read_timeout 300;

So this parameters returned top its default (about 20 sec) And all my data appeared after ~20 sec. So i setted

  proxy_connect_timeout 2;
    proxy_send_timeout 2;
    proxy_read_timeout 2;

And data appeared faster. But its.s still in one piece(3-4 events at once), before enabling ssl events showed one by one.
Still ned your help, and explanation, where i was wrong.


Here is conhiguration from my server, when i "turn off" ssl and SSE works.
ssl is off - sse works
80 port redirecting to 443 ssl - sse not works
like image 814
Asprelis Avatar asked Jan 12 '15 09:01


People also ask

Which browser does a server sent event does not support?

BROWSER SUPPORT FOR Server Sent Events Chrome browser version 4 to 5 does not support Server Sent Events property.

How do server sent events work?

So what are Server-Sent Events? A client subscribes to a “stream” from a server and the server will send messages (“event-stream”) to the client until the server or the client closes the stream. It is up to the server to decide when and what to send the client, for instance, as soon as data changes.

What is server sent events in html5?

A server-sent event is when a web page automatically gets updates from a server. This was also possible before, but the web page would have to ask if any updates were available. With server-sent events, the updates come automatically.

Video Answer

1 Answers

UPDATE: this was my answer before the OP gathered more information (in particular that if he waited long enough the data arrived, i.e. that it was a buffering issue: see my other answer). I've decided to leave it here as it might be useful troubleshooting ideas for someone else. (But if you disagree leave a comment or flag for deleting.)

When planning "Data Push Apps with HTML5 SSE", using proxy servers was unfortunately the other side of where we drew the line; if you've read chapter 9 you'll know a seemingly simple standard can still get very complicated. So, I'm very interested to hear if and how you get this working.

The first thing that comes to mind is you are using self-signed SSL certs. They won't work with SSE with Chrome. Ajax won't either. (See the bug report, but it was opened in 2011, so don't hold your breath.) However you said it works with Firefox, so this is unlikely to be it.

The next thought is that you are using Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*, and Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:true, so I assume that means you need to for CORS (I.e. your html page origin and your SSE script origin are different in some way), and that cookies are involved. Are you setting { withCredentials: true } as the 2nd parameter to your EventSource constructor in your JavaScript? Even if so, be aware that Access-Control-Allow-Credentials:true does not work with Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*. You cannot specify *, and instead you have to explicitly say which origin is allowed.

If that is the problem, you can use your server-side script to make the header dynamically, based on the client's origin. (The book shows code to do this in PHP.) If nginx can use environmental variables from the user's request, you should be able to do it there too.

However, my understanding was that this would trip up with http too. I don't think it should just be an https problem. (If I'm wrong on that, let me know.)

(Oh, if your working http SSE requests were coming from http://example.com, and are still coming from http://example.com, even though the SSE request is now going to https://example.com, then everything makes sense - you did not get CORS failures before because the origin was the same; now you do have a CORS problem, and you are not handling it correctly.)

My third guess, is that the browser is sending a preflight OPTIONS request, but only doing it with https requests. (Preflight requests wildly from browser to browser, but it is not impossible that current versions of Chrome and Firefox behave the same way.) When you get an OPTIONS request you need to send back Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Last-Event-ID, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization. You also need to send back the Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* header.

You can confirm or refute this third guess by packet sniffing to see what exactly is being sent back and forth. And if all the above ideas turned up nothing, you should do that anyway.

like image 54
Darren Cook Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Darren Cook