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How to get multiple document using array of MongoDb id?



I have an array of ids and I want to get all document of them at once. For that I am writing but it return 0 records.

How can I search using multiple Ids ?

db.getCollection('feed').find({"_id" : { "$in" : [   "55880c251df42d0466919268","55bf528e69b70ae79be35006" ]}}) 

I am able to get records by passing single id like

like image 981
Pankaj Avatar asked Aug 28 '15 05:08


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1 Answers

MongoDB is type sensitive, which means 1 is different with '1', so are "55880c251df42d0466919268" and ObjectId("55880c251df42d0466919268"). The later one is in ObjectID type but not str, and also is the default _id type of MongoDB document.

You can find more information about ObjectID here.

Just try:

db.getCollection('feed').find({"_id" : {"$in" : [ObjectId("55880c251df42d0466919268"), ObjectId("55bf528e69b70ae79be35006")]}}); 
like image 188
Kane Blueriver Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 20:10

Kane Blueriver