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Mongodb: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:10061

Here is my mongod.cfg file:

bind_ip = dbpath = C:\mongodb\data\db logpath = C:\mongodb\log\mongo-server.log verbose=v 

Here is my mongod service command:

mongod -f c:\mongodb\mongod.cfg --install 

I have installed MongoDB about a week ago and it all worked fine, however today when I ran mongo command I got the following error:

Failed to connect to, reason: errno:10061 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it 

How can I fix that? I use Windows 8.1


I forgot to start mongodb service with this command:

net start mongodb 

Improved solution:

1) Change directory to root drive C:\, and type the command below into an admin cmd prompt window,

C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --config c:\mongodb\mongod.cfg --install 

2) Then type net start MongoDB after which you should see the following message:

"The Mongo DB service was started successfully" 

3) Then go to the control panel Start>Administrative Tools>Services, scroll down to MongoDB in the list of services and change start up type to automatic, if you so desire. Press OK.

4) Finally type C:\mongodb\bin\mongo.exe and you should be connected to the Mongo test DB.

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mik4dPArCU

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Michael Avatar asked Oct 27 '14 10:10


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1 Answers

This is how I solved it, You can follow step by step here:

MongoDB Steps:

  • Download the latest 64-bit MSI version of MongoDB for Windows.

  • Run the installer (.msi file)

  • Add it to your PATH of environment variables. it Should be from:
    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin

now Create a “\data\db” folder in C:/ which is used by mongodb to store all data. You should have this folder:


Note: This is the default directory location expected by mongoDB, don’t create anywhere else


Finally, open command prompt and type:

>> mongod 

You should see it asking for permissions (allow it) and then listen to a port. After that is done, open another command prompt, leaving the previous one running the server.

Type in the new command prompt

>> mongo 

You should see it display the version and connect to a test database.

This proves successful install!=)

Reference link

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Chee Loong Soon Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Chee Loong Soon