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How to get free and total size of each StorageVolume?


Google (sadly) plans to ruin storage permission so that apps won't be able to access the file system using the standard File API (and file-paths). Many are against it as it changes the way apps can access the storage and in many ways it's a restricted and limited API.

As a result, we will need to use SAF (storage access framework) entirely on some future Android version (on Android Q we can, at least temporarily, use a flag to use the normal storage permission), if we wish to deal with various storage volumes and reach all files there.

So, for example, suppose you want to make a file manager and show all the storage volumes of the device, and show for each of them how many total and free bytes there are. Such a thing seems very legitimate, but as I can't find a way to do such a thing.

The problem

Starting from API 24 (here), we finally have the ability to list all of the storage volumes, as such:

    val storageManager = getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager
    val storageVolumes = storageManager.storageVolumes

Thing is, there is no function for each of the items on this list to get its size and free space.

However, somehow, Google's "Files by Google" app manages to get this information without any kind of permission being granted :

enter image description here

And this was tested on Galaxy Note 8 with Android 8. Not even the latest version of Android.

So this means there should be a way to get this information without any permission, even on Android 8.

What I've found

There is something similar to getting free-space, but I'm not sure if it's indeed that. It seems as such, though. Here's the code for it:

    val storageManager = getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager
    val storageVolumes = storageManager.storageVolumes
    AsyncTask.execute {
        for (storageVolume in storageVolumes) {
            val uuid: UUID = storageVolume.uuid?.let { UUID.fromString(it) } ?: StorageManager.UUID_DEFAULT
            val allocatableBytes = storageManager.getAllocatableBytes(uuid)
            Log.d("AppLog", "allocatableBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this,allocatableBytes)}")

However, I can't find something similar for getting the total space of each of the StorageVolume instances. Assuming I'm correct on this, I've requested it here.

You can find more of what I've found in the answer I wrote to this question, but currently it's all a mix of workarounds and things that aren't workarounds but work in some cases.

The questions

  1. Is getAllocatableBytes indeed the way to get the free space?
  2. How can I get the free and real total space (in some cases I got lower values for some reason) of each StorageVolume, without requesting any permission, just like on Google's app?
like image 798
android developer Avatar asked Jun 19 '19 08:06

android developer

2 Answers

The following uses fstatvfs(FileDescriptor) to retrieve stats without resorting to reflection or traditional file system methods.

To check the output of the program to make sure it is producing reasonable result for total, used and available space I ran the "df" command on an Android Emulator running API 29.

Output of "df" command in adb shell reporting 1K blocks:

"/data" corresponds to the "primary" UUID used when by StorageVolume#isPrimary is true.

"/storage/1D03-2E0E" corresponds to the "1D03-2E0E" UUID reported by StorageVolume#uuid.

generic_x86:/ $ df
Filesystem              1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 2203316 2140872     46060  98% /
tmpfs                     1020140     592   1019548   1% /dev
tmpfs                     1020140       0   1020140   0% /mnt
tmpfs                     1020140       0   1020140   0% /apex
/dev/block/vde1            132168   75936     53412  59% /vendor

/dev/block/vdc             793488  647652    129452  84% /data

/dev/block/loop0              232      36       192  16% /apex/com.android.apex.cts.shim@1
/data/media                793488  647652    129452  84% /storage/emulated

/mnt/media_rw/1D03-2E0E    522228      90    522138   1% /storage/1D03-2E0E

Reported by the app using fstatvfs (in 1K blocks):

For /tree/primary:/document/primary: Total=793,488 used space=647,652 available=129,452

For /tree/1D03-2E0E:/document/1D03-2E0E: Total=522,228 used space=90 available=522,138

The totals match.

fstatvfs is described here.

Detail on what fstatvfs returns can be found here.

The following little app displays used, free and total bytes for volumes that are accessible.

enter image description here


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private lateinit var mStorageManager: StorageManager
    private val mVolumeStats = HashMap<Uri, StructStatVfs>()
    private val mStorageVolumePathsWeHaveAccessTo = HashSet<String>()
    private lateinit var mStorageVolumes: List<StorageVolume>
    private var mHaveAccessToPrimary = false

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        mStorageManager = getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager
        mStorageVolumes = mStorageManager.storageVolumes

        requestAccessButton.setOnClickListener {
            val primaryVolume = mStorageManager.primaryStorageVolume
            val intent = primaryVolume.createOpenDocumentTreeIntent()
            startActivityForResult(intent, 1)

        releaseAccessButton.setOnClickListener {
            val takeFlags =
            val uri = buildVolumeUriFromUuid(PRIMARY_UUID)

            contentResolver.releasePersistableUriPermission(uri, takeFlags)
            val toast = Toast.makeText(
                "Primary volume permission released was released.",
            toast.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM, 0, releaseAccessButton.height)


    private fun getVolumeStats() {
        val persistedUriPermissions = contentResolver.persistedUriPermissions
        persistedUriPermissions.forEach {
        mHaveAccessToPrimary = false
        for (storageVolume in mStorageVolumes) {
            val uuid = if (storageVolume.isPrimary) {
                // Primary storage doesn't get a UUID here.
            } else {

            val volumeUri = uuid?.let { buildVolumeUriFromUuid(it) }

            when {
                uuid == null ->
                    Log.d(TAG, "UUID is null for ${storageVolume.getDescription(this)}!")
                mStorageVolumePathsWeHaveAccessTo.contains(volumeUri.toString()) -> {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Have access to $uuid")
                    if (uuid == PRIMARY_UUID) {
                        mHaveAccessToPrimary = true
                    val uri = buildVolumeUriFromUuid(uuid)
                    val docTreeUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(
                    mVolumeStats[docTreeUri] = getFileStats(docTreeUri)
                else -> Log.d(TAG, "Don't have access to $uuid")

    private fun showVolumeStats() {
        val sb = StringBuilder()
        if (mVolumeStats.size == 0) {
            sb.appendln("Nothing to see here...")
        } else {
            sb.appendln("All figures are in 1K blocks.")
        mVolumeStats.forEach {
            val lastSeg = it.key.lastPathSegment
            sb.appendln("Volume: $lastSeg")
            val stats = it.value
            val blockSize = stats.f_bsize
            val totalSpace = stats.f_blocks * blockSize / 1024L
            val freeSpace = stats.f_bfree * blockSize / 1024L
            val usedSpace = totalSpace - freeSpace
            sb.appendln(" Used space: ${usedSpace.nice()}")
            sb.appendln(" Free space: ${freeSpace.nice()}")
            sb.appendln("Total space: ${totalSpace.nice()}")
        volumeStats.text = sb.toString()
        if (mHaveAccessToPrimary) {
            releaseAccessButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE
            requestAccessButton.visibility = View.GONE
        } else {
            releaseAccessButton.visibility = View.GONE
            requestAccessButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE

    private fun buildVolumeUriFromUuid(uuid: String): Uri {
        return DocumentsContract.buildTreeDocumentUri(

    private fun getFileStats(docTreeUri: Uri): StructStatVfs {
        val pfd = contentResolver.openFileDescriptor(docTreeUri, "r")!!
        return fstatvfs(pfd.fileDescriptor)

    override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        Log.d(TAG, "resultCode:$resultCode")
        val uri = data?.data ?: return
        val takeFlags =
        contentResolver.takePersistableUriPermission(uri, takeFlags)
        Log.d(TAG, "granted uri: ${uri.path}")

    companion object {
        fun Long.nice(fieldLength: Int = 12): String = String.format(Locale.US, "%,${fieldLength}d", this)

        const val EXTERNAL_STORAGE_AUTHORITY = "com.android.externalstorage.documents"
        const val PRIMARY_UUID = "primary"
        const val TAG = "AppLog"



            android:padding="16dp" />

            android:text="Request Access to Primary" />

            android:text="Release Access to Primary" />
like image 129
Cheticamp Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 02:11


Found a workaround, by using what I wrote here , and mapping each StorageVolume with a real file as I wrote here. Sadly this might not work in the future, as it uses a lot of "tricks" :

        for (storageVolume in storageVolumes) {
            val volumePath = FileUtilEx.getVolumePath(storageVolume)
            if (volumePath == null) {
                Log.d("AppLog", "storageVolume \"${storageVolume.getDescription(this)}\" - failed to get volumePath")
            } else {
                val statFs = StatFs(volumePath)
                val availableSizeInBytes = statFs.availableBytes
                val totalBytes = statFs.totalBytes
                val formattedResult = "availableSizeInBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, availableSizeInBytes)} totalBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, totalBytes)}"
                Log.d("AppLog", "storageVolume \"${storageVolume.getDescription(this)}\" - volumePath:$volumePath - $formattedResult")

Seems to work on both emulator (that has primary storage and SD-card) and real device (Pixel 2), both on Android Q beta 4.

A bit better solution which wouldn't use reflection, could be to put a unique file in each of the paths we get on ContextCompat.getExternalCacheDirs, and then try to find them via each of the StorageVolume instances. It is tricky though because you don't know when to start the search, so you will need to check various paths till you reach the destination. Not only that, but as I wrote here, I don't think there is an official way to get the Uri or DocumentFile or File or file-path of each StorageVolume.

Anyway, weird thing is that the total space is lower than the real one. Probably as it's a partition of what's the maximum that's really available to the user.

I wonder how come various apps (such as file manager apps, like Total Commander) get the real total device storage.

EDIT: OK got another workaround, which is probably more reliable, based on the storageManager.getStorageVolume(File) function.

So here is the merging of the 2 workarounds:

fun getStorageVolumePath(context: Context, storageVolumeToGetItsPath: StorageVolume): String? {
    //first, try to use reflection
        return null
    try {
        val storageVolumeClazz = StorageVolume::class.java
        val getPathMethod = storageVolumeClazz.getMethod("getPath")
        val result = getPathMethod.invoke(storageVolumeToGetItsPath) as String?
         if (!result.isNullOrBlank())
            return result
    } catch (e: Exception) {
    //failed to use reflection, so try mapping with app's folders
    val storageVolumeUuidStr = storageVolumeToGetItsPath.uuid
    val externalCacheDirs = ContextCompat.getExternalCacheDirs(context)
    val storageManager = context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager
    for (externalCacheDir in externalCacheDirs) {
        val storageVolume = storageManager.getStorageVolume(externalCacheDir) ?: continue
        val uuidStr = storageVolume.uuid
        if (uuidStr == storageVolumeUuidStr) {
            //found storageVolume<->File match
            var resultFile = externalCacheDir
            while (true) {
                val parentFile = resultFile.parentFile ?: return resultFile.absolutePath
                val parentFileStorageVolume = storageManager.getStorageVolume(parentFile)
                        ?: return resultFile.absolutePath
                if (parentFileStorageVolume.uuid != uuidStr)
                    return resultFile.absolutePath
                resultFile = parentFile
    return null

And to show the available and total space, we use StatFs as before:

for (storageVolume in storageVolumes) {
    val storageVolumePath = getStorageVolumePath(this@MainActivity, storageVolume) ?: continue
    val statFs = StatFs(storageVolumePath)
    val availableSizeInBytes = statFs.availableBytes
    val totalBytes = statFs.totalBytes
    val formattedResult = "availableSizeInBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, availableSizeInBytes)} totalBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, totalBytes)}"
    Log.d("AppLog", "storageVolume \"${storageVolume.getDescription(this)}\" - storageVolumePath:$storageVolumePath - $formattedResult")

EDIT: shorter version, without using the real file-path of the storageVolume:

fun getStatFsForStorageVolume(context: Context, storageVolumeToGetItsPath: StorageVolume): StatFs? {
    //first, try to use reflection
        return null
    try {
        val storageVolumeClazz = StorageVolume::class.java
        val getPathMethod = storageVolumeClazz.getMethod("getPath")
        val resultPath = getPathMethod.invoke(storageVolumeToGetItsPath) as String?
        if (!resultPath.isNullOrBlank())
            return StatFs(resultPath)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
    //failed to use reflection, so try mapping with app's folders
    val storageVolumeUuidStr = storageVolumeToGetItsPath.uuid
    val externalCacheDirs = ContextCompat.getExternalCacheDirs(context)
    val storageManager = context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager
    for (externalCacheDir in externalCacheDirs) {
        val storageVolume = storageManager.getStorageVolume(externalCacheDir) ?: continue
        val uuidStr = storageVolume.uuid
        if (uuidStr == storageVolumeUuidStr) {
            //found storageVolume<->File match
            return StatFs(externalCacheDir.absolutePath)
    return null


        for (storageVolume in storageVolumes) {
            val statFs = getStatFsForStorageVolume(this@MainActivity, storageVolume)
                    ?: continue
            val availableSizeInBytes = statFs.availableBytes
            val totalBytes = statFs.totalBytes
            val formattedResult = "availableSizeInBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, availableSizeInBytes)} totalBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, totalBytes)}"
            Log.d("AppLog", "storageVolume \"${storageVolume.getDescription(this)}\" - $formattedResult")

Note that this solution doesn't require any kind of permission.


EDIT: I actually found out that I tried to do it in the past, but for some reason it crashed for me on the SD-card StoraveVolume on the emulator:

        val storageStatsManager = getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_STATS_SERVICE) as StorageStatsManager
        for (storageVolume in storageVolumes) {
            val uuidStr = storageVolume.uuid
            val uuid = if (uuidStr == null) StorageManager.UUID_DEFAULT else UUID.fromString(uuidStr)
            val availableSizeInBytes = storageStatsManager.getFreeBytes(uuid)
            val totalBytes = storageStatsManager.getTotalBytes(uuid)
            val formattedResult = "availableSizeInBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, availableSizeInBytes)} totalBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, totalBytes)}"
            Log.d("AppLog", "storageVolume \"${storageVolume.getDescription(this)}\" - $formattedResult")

The good news is that for the primary storageVolume, you get the real total space of it.

On a real device it also crashes for the SD-card, but not for the primary one.

So here's the latest solution for this, gathering the above:

        for (storageVolume in storageVolumes) {
            val availableSizeInBytes: Long
            val totalBytes: Long
            if (storageVolume.isPrimary) {
                val storageStatsManager = getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_STATS_SERVICE) as StorageStatsManager
                val uuidStr = storageVolume.uuid
                val uuid = if (uuidStr == null) StorageManager.UUID_DEFAULT else UUID.fromString(uuidStr)
                availableSizeInBytes = storageStatsManager.getFreeBytes(uuid)
                totalBytes = storageStatsManager.getTotalBytes(uuid)
            } else {
                val statFs = getStatFsForStorageVolume(this@MainActivity, storageVolume)
                        ?: continue
                availableSizeInBytes = statFs.availableBytes
                totalBytes = statFs.totalBytes
            val formattedResult = "availableSizeInBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, availableSizeInBytes)} totalBytes:${android.text.format.Formatter.formatShortFileSize(this, totalBytes)}"
            Log.d("AppLog", "storageVolume \"${storageVolume.getDescription(this)}\" - $formattedResult")

Updated answer for Android R:

        fun getStorageVolumesAccessState(context: Context) {
            val storageManager = context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager
            val storageVolumes = storageManager.storageVolumes
            val storageStatsManager = context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_STATS_SERVICE) as StorageStatsManager
            for (storageVolume in storageVolumes) {
                var freeSpace: Long = 0L
                var totalSpace: Long = 0L
                val path = getPath(context, storageVolume)
                if (storageVolume.isPrimary) {
                    totalSpace = storageStatsManager.getTotalBytes(StorageManager.UUID_DEFAULT)
                    freeSpace = storageStatsManager.getFreeBytes(StorageManager.UUID_DEFAULT)
                } else if (path != null) {
                    val file = File(path)
                    freeSpace = file.freeSpace
                    totalSpace = file.totalSpace
                val usedSpace = totalSpace - freeSpace
                val freeSpaceStr = Formatter.formatFileSize(context, freeSpace)
                val totalSpaceStr = Formatter.formatFileSize(context, totalSpace)
                val usedSpaceStr = Formatter.formatFileSize(context, usedSpace)
                Log.d("AppLog", "${storageVolume.getDescription(context)} - path:$path total:$totalSpaceStr used:$usedSpaceStr free:$freeSpaceStr")

        fun getPath(context: Context, storageVolume: StorageVolume): String? {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R)
                storageVolume.directory?.absolutePath?.let { return it }
            try {
                return storageVolume.javaClass.getMethod("getPath").invoke(storageVolume) as String
            } catch (e: Exception) {
            try {
                return (storageVolume.javaClass.getMethod("getPathFile").invoke(storageVolume) as File).absolutePath
            } catch (e: Exception) {
            val extDirs = context.getExternalFilesDirs(null)
            for (extDir in extDirs) {
                val storageManager = context.getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE) as StorageManager
                val fileStorageVolume: StorageVolume = storageManager.getStorageVolume(extDir)
                        ?: continue
                if (fileStorageVolume == storageVolume) {
                    var file = extDir
                    while (true) {
                        val parent = file.parentFile ?: return file.absolutePath
                        val parentStorageVolume = storageManager.getStorageVolume(parent)
                                ?: return file.absolutePath
                        if (parentStorageVolume != storageVolume)
                            return file.absolutePath
                        file = parent
            try {
                val parcel = Parcel.obtain()
                storageVolume.writeToParcel(parcel, 0)
                return parcel.readString()
            } catch (e: Exception) {
            return null
like image 5
android developer Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 00:11

android developer