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Using ${applicationId} in library manifest

I'm working on an SDK that uses an internal ContentProvider, I would like to use this SDK in a few projects, and declare it in the library manifest, so I've tried this:

    <provider         android:name=".core.MyContentProvider"         android:authorities="${applicationId}"         android:exported="false"/> 

What happens is the ${applicationId} is replaced with the packageName of the library and not the top apk related applicationId...

Is there a way to make sure that the launching applicationId would be placed in the android:authorities value?

like image 238
TacB0sS Avatar asked Jun 11 '15 20:06


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1 Answers

Was running into the same problem with several different variants and unique IDs, and ended up going with replacing a placeholder key when Gradle is building the app, kind of like so:

Gradle 3+

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->     variant.outputs.each { output ->         output.processManifest.doLast {             File manifestFile = file("$manifestOutputDirectory/AndroidManifest.xml")              replaceInFile(manifestFile, 'P_AUTHORITY', variant.applicationId)         }     } }  def replaceInFile(file, fromString, toString) {     def updatedContent = file.getText('UTF-8')             .replaceAll(fromString, toString)      file.write(updatedContent, 'UTF-8') } 

Gradle < 3

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->     variant.outputs.each { output ->         output.processManifest.doLast{             replaceInManifest(output, 'P_AUTHORITY', variant.applicationId)         }     }    }  def replaceInManifest(output, fromString, toString) {     def manifestOutFile = output.processManifest.manifestOutputFile     def updatedContent = manifestOutFile.getText('UTF-8').replaceAll(fromString, toString)     manifestOutFile.write(updatedContent, 'UTF-8') } 

And then in the manifest:

<provider     android:name=".core.MyContentProvider"     android:authorities="P_AUTHORITY"     android:exported="false"/> 

That's come in handy quite a few times

like image 51
Cruceo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
