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How to get data from postgresql json array field in an array

Below is a json data in a column name meta and table name layer. Here i retrieve data of 'pages' key by meta->'pages' but i have no idea how to get 'lable' key value which is an array element of 'fields' which is again in an array pages.

   "lable":"Manage Organisation",
         "name":"Create Org",
         "lable":"Organisation Name",
               "lable":"Organisation Name"
               "lable":"Org. Type",
               "default value":1,
               "default value":1
like image 977
Avinash Avatar asked Aug 16 '17 09:08


People also ask

How do I query JSON data in PostgreSQL?

Querying the JSON documentPostgreSQL has two native operators -> and ->> to query JSON documents. The first operator -> returns a JSON object, while the operator ->> returns text. These operators work on both JSON as well as JSONB columns. There are additional operators available for JSONB columns.

Can Jsonb be an array?

(Note: It is possible to make a jsonb[] column, but we don't recommend it, as there's no value over a jsonb column that contains an array.)

2 Answers

One way with json_array_elements:

(assuming that your table is your_table and json column name is meta)

select j.value->>'lable'
from your_table
join lateral json_array_elements(meta->'pages'->0->'fields') j
on true
like image 132
Oto Shavadze Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Oto Shavadze

You can index an array by number:

select meta::jsonb->'pages'->0->'lable'
from   layer

To retrieve the "lables" of all organisations, create a table with jsonb_to_recordset:

select  orgs.lable
from    layer
cross join
        jsonb_to_recordset(meta::jsonb->'pages') orgs(name text, lable text)

The second argument to jsonb_to_recordset defines the columns you are interested in. Here I'm using orgs(name text, lable text) to make the name and lable available.

To get the value of a nested JSON dictionary, you can use a lateral join:

select  orgs.lable
,       fields.lable
from    layer
cross join
            orgs(lable text, fields jsonb)
cross join
        jsonb_to_recordset(fields) fields(lable text)

Working example at regtester.

like image 25
Andomar Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11
