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Skip the first level in JSON when using jackson





The JSON object I'm receiving is like this.

      "Contents":"Some texts here",

I need to map the JSON to the following java bean.

public class Question {
    private String id;

    private String contents;

    private String user;

    private LocalDate date;

    //some getters and setters are skipped...

Also notice that the first level in the above JSON object Question279 is not always the same, it depends on the parameter user provided to obtain the JSON. And I cannot change the situation.

Currently I'm using something like this.

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json = "{'Question279':{'ID':'1', 'Contents':'Some texts here', 'User':'John', 'Date':'2016-10-01'}"
Question question = mapper.readValue(json, Question.class);

But it's not working, of course, I got a Question class full of null. How to make it work in this case?

like image 488
Searene Avatar asked Feb 20 '17 10:02


3 Answers

Try this can be any help

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

String json = "{\"Question279\":{\"ID\":\"1\", \"Contents\":\"Some texts here\", \"User\":\"John\", \"Date\":\"2016-10-01\"}}";

mapper.readTree( json ).fields().forEachRemaining( arg -> {

    Question question = mapper.convertValue( arg.getValue(), Question.class );

    System.out.println( question.getDate() );
} );

** As there is no default conversion from String to LocalDate I changed LocalDate date to String date in Question.java

like image 76
Ravi MCA Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 11:10

Ravi MCA

I recommend having your ObjectMapper create a specialized ObjectReader for each case:

String questionKey = "Question279"; // Generate based on parameter used to obtain the json
ObjectReader reader = mapper.reader().withRootName(questionKey).forType(Question.class);
Question q = reader.readValue(json);
... // Work with question instance
like image 31
Henrik Aasted Sørensen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10

Henrik Aasted Sørensen

Your JSON defines a map of collections, so you could parse it that way:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Question> questions = mapper.readValue(json,
    new TypeReference<Map<String, Question>>(){});
Question question = questions.get("Question279");

The new TypeReference<Map<String, Question>>(){} defines an anonymous class extending TypeReference<Map<String, Question>>. Its only purpose is to tell Jackson that it should parse the JSON as a map of String->Question pairs. After parsing the JSON, you'll need to extract the question that you want from the map.

like image 38
Kenster Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
