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How to get attribute value of a custom tag in angularjs?

I am trying to create a custom tag using angularJs. This tag has an attribute named data. data gets it value like this <skillviz data="{{user.info}}"></skillviz>. user.info is a JSON object. But when i try to access this data attribute in my directive definition, I get undefined. What is the correct way to do this ?

html code

<div id="info-box" ng-repeat="user in users | orderBy:orderProp">            
          <div id="skill-block">
            <skillviz height="50" data="{{user.skills}}"></skillviz>

users is a JSON type object, declared in the controller. So basically users will be a list(array) of

{"first_name": "Tifanny",

        "last_name": "Maxwell",
        "skills": [
            {"name": "Java", "score": 4.8, "color" : "red"},
            {"name": "C++", "score": 4.0, "color" : "blue"},


angular.module('yott', []).directive('skillviz', function () {
return {
    restrict: 'E',
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
        element.html("<script>alert(" + attrs['data'] + ")</script>");

alert box pops up saying undefined

like image 566
batman Avatar asked Jun 02 '13 02:06


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What is ng in Angular?

"ng" stands for Next Generation, as Angular is the next generation of HTML .

What is directive in AngularJS?

Directives are markers on the DOM element which tell AngularJS to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element with its children. Simple AngularJS allows extending HTML with new attributes called Directives.

2 Answers

Let's say you have the following markup:

<div ng-controller="MyController" data-id="someCustomValue">

Now in your controller you can do the following to access data-id:

app.controller('MyController', function ($scope, $attrs) {
  console.log($attrs.id); // Prints 'someCustomValue'
like image 172
Juampy NR Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10

Juampy NR

Use $observe to observe changes to the attribute:

attrs.$observe('data', function(value) {
  console.log('data has changed value to ' + value);

And $set to change value:

attrs.$set('data', 'new value');

Alternatively you can pass/link it into the directive scope using @ (bind a local scope), & (provides a way to execute an expression in the context of the parent scope) or = (set up bi-directional binding) – explained here

angular.module('yott', []).directive('skillviz', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope { data: "=data" },
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            element.html("<script>alert(" +scope.data + ")</script>");
like image 26
winkerVSbecks Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
