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How to get around a 401 unauthorized error?

I'd like to output some values from this site. With the browser inspector I located the URL to the JSON that has that information that I want. Once with the JSON, I can extract the values just fine.

The issue is that the URL to the JSON only works for a limited amount of time. If I try to access it later (via browser or via script's UrlFetch), I get a:

"status": 401,
"response": "unauthorized"

Since I would like to check on the target JSON periodically, I would like to find a way to authorize the request. Any ideas?


PS: This is what I've tried so far (google apps script):

function getUserAndJSON(){
  var url = 'https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/api/cards?cardType=100&conditionType%5B%5D=1&conditionType%5B%5D=2&limit=24&locations=%5B%5B1669,4,%22Lauttasaari,%20Helsinki%22%5D,%5B14714,5,%2200340,%20Helsinki%22%5D%5D&lotOwnershipType%5B%5D=1&offset=0&price%5Bmax%5D=600000&price%5Bmin%5D=150000&roomCount%5B%5D=3&size%5Bmin%5D=35&sortBy=published_sort_desc';

  var opt = {
    "method": "GET", 
    "muteHttpExceptions": true,
  var str = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,opt).getContentText();
  Logger.log(str); //error 401
like image 871
jlo Avatar asked Apr 03 '20 08:04


People also ask

How can we resolve 401 user not authorized error?

Check The URL: Due to manual errors in typing the URL, the 401 unauthorized error may occur. Hence, checking the URL and rectifying the mistakes in it will fix the 401 error status. Flush the DNS: Errors in DNS also creates 401 error status sometimes. Therefore, clearing the DNS will also rectify this error.

Why do I keep getting 401 unauthorized?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 401 Unauthorized response status code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource.

How do you remove 401 unauthorized access is denied due to invalid credentials?

In the Authentication Methods dialog, enable either the Integrated Windows authentication box or Basic authentication (password is sent in clear text), and clear all other authentication options for Authentication access.

How do you fix the remote server returned an error 401 unauthorized?

Resolution. The reason this error is appearing is because the user and/or ASP.NET user account does not have authority to access a file on the web server. You can fix it by doing the following: Anonymous access may need to be added to the web application or at least some subfolders within the application.

1 Answers

One solution to this problem is to simply use the option 'copy as... > fetch' within the browser inspector (in my case Opera), which gives out the following (somewhat different headers than the ones sent by the browser):

fetch("https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/api/cards?cardType=100&conditionType%5B%5D=1&conditionType%5B%5D=2&limit=24&locations=%5B%5B1669,4,%22Lauttasaari,+Helsinki%22%5D,%5B14714,5,%2200340,+Helsinki%22%5D%5D&lotOwnershipType%5B%5D=1&offset=0&price%5Bmax%5D=600000&price%5Bmin%5D=150000&roomCount%5B%5D=3&size%5Bmin%5D=35&sortBy=published_sort_desc", {"credentials":"omit","headers":{"accept":"application/json","ota-cuid":"fd2a3a03d52a2721f9a9aa844ddf7eef2ac66ed6","ota-loaded":"1586685082","ota-token":"ab7e9f830a7dff3a9b01fbdcbc899ed7bfa659a4793103f1943e83ef5f938b16","sec-fetch-dest":"empty"},"referrer":"https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/myytavat-asunnot?conditionType%5B%5D=1&conditionType%5B%5D=2&locations=%5B%5B1669,4,%22Lauttasaari,%20Helsinki%22%5D,%5B14714,5,%2200340,%20Helsinki%22%5D%5D&lotOwnershipType%5B%5D=1&price%5Bmax%5D=600000&price%5Bmin%5D=150000&size%5Bmin%5D=35&roomCount%5B%5D=3&cardType=100","referrerPolicy":"no-referrer-when-downgrade","body":null,"method":"GET","mode":"cors"});

Copy as fetch

Which I used in GAS in the following way:

function testGetJSON(){
 var str = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://asunnot.oikotie.fi/api/cards?cardType=100&conditionType%5B%5D=1&conditionType%5B%5D=2&limit=24&locations=%5B%5B1669,4,%22Lauttasaari,+Helsinki%22%5D,%5B14714,5,%2200340,+Helsinki%22%5D%5D&lotOwnershipType%5B%5D=1&offset=0&price%5Bmax%5D=600000&price%5Bmin%5D=150000&roomCount%5B%5D=3&size%5Bmin%5D=35&sortBy=published_sort_desc",

Which works perfectly.

Thank you all for your tips and suggestions!

like image 184
jlo Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11
