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How To Get All Tweets on Hashtag using LinqToTwitter

I'm trying to get all tweets(count total tweet number) belong to hashtag. My function is here, how to I use maxID and sinceID for get all tweets. What is the instead of "count"? I dont'know.

if (maxid != null)
            var searchResponse =
                (from search in ctx.Search
                 where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
                 search.Query == "#karne" &&
                 search.Count == Convert.ToInt32(count)
                 select search)

            maxid = Convert.ToString(searchResponse.SearchMetaData.MaxID);

            foreach (var tweet in searchResponse.Statuses)
                    ResultSearch.Add(new KeyValuePair<String, String>(tweet.ID.ToString(), tweet.Text));
                catch {}

            while (maxid != null && tweetcount < Convert.ToInt32(count))
                maxid = Convert.ToString(searchResponse.SearchMetaData.MaxID);
                searchResponse =
                    (from search in ctx.Search
                     where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
                     search.Query == "#karne" &&
                     search.Count == Convert.ToInt32(count) && 
                     search.MaxID == Convert.ToUInt64(maxid)
                     select search)
                foreach (var tweet in searchResponse.Statuses)
                        ResultSearch.Add(new KeyValuePair<String, String>(tweet.ID.ToString(), tweet.Text));
                    catch { }

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Batuhan Tozun Avatar asked Jan 22 '16 09:01

Batuhan Tozun

People also ask

How do I extract hashtags from Twitter?

Step-by-step Approach:Import required modules. Create an explicit function to display tweet data. Create another function to scrape data regarding a given Hashtag using tweepy module. In the Driver Code assign Twitter Developer account credentials along with the Hashtag, initial date and number of tweets.

Is there a way to see how many tweets are under a hashtag?

You can find the number of Tweets for a hashtag by tracking them using a hashtag tracking tool such as Trackmyhashtag. It is an amazing Twitter hashtag counting or hashtag tracking tool which allows you to count or find the total number of tweets for a hashtag.

Why are my tweets not showing up in hashtag?

If you write 123#sofun or word#sofun, your Tweets will not show in searches for the hashtag #sofun. Hashtags will not work with letters or numbers in front of the # symbol. The # symbol must have a space directly in front of it in order for it to show correctly in searches.

Can you search Twitter by hashtag?

You can also search for Tweets in English by using the hashtag. For example, “#WorldCup” sent from Brazil in July 2014 will show you Tweets about the world cup that year. Need more help? If you have more questions about advanced search, you can contact our Support team.

1 Answers

Here's an example. Remember that MaxID is for the current session and prevents re-reading tweets you've already processed in the current session. SinceID is the oldest tweet you've ever received for this search term and helps you avoid re-reading tweets that you've already processed for this search term during previous sessions. Essentially, you're creating a window where MaxID is the newest tweet to get next and SinceID is the oldest tweet that you don't want to read past. On the first session for a given search term, you would set SinceID to 1 because you don't have an oldest tweet yet. After the session, save SinceID so that you don't accidentally re-read tweets.

    static async Task DoPagedSearchAsync(TwitterContext twitterCtx)
        const int MaxSearchEntriesToReturn = 100;

        string searchTerm = "twitter";

        // oldest id you already have for this search term
        ulong sinceID = 1;

        // used after the first query to track current session
        ulong maxID; 

        var combinedSearchResults = new List<Status>();

        List<Status> searchResponse =
            (from search in twitterCtx.Search
             where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
                   search.Query == searchTerm &&
                   search.Count == MaxSearchEntriesToReturn &&
                   search.SinceID == sinceID
             select search.Statuses)

        ulong previousMaxID = ulong.MaxValue;
            // one less than the newest id you've just queried
            maxID = searchResponse.Min(status => status.StatusID) - 1;

            Debug.Assert(maxID < previousMaxID);
            previousMaxID = maxID;

            searchResponse =
                (from search in twitterCtx.Search
                 where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
                       search.Query == searchTerm &&
                       search.Count == MaxSearchEntriesToReturn &&
                       search.MaxID == maxID &&
                       search.SinceID == sinceID
                 select search.Statuses)

        } while (searchResponse.Any());

        combinedSearchResults.ForEach(tweet =>
                "\n  User: {0} ({1})\n  Tweet: {2}",

This approach seems like a lot of code, but really gives you more control over the search. e.g. you can examine tweets and determine how many times to query based on the contents of a tweet (like CreatedAt). You can wrap the query in a try/catch block to watch for HTTP 429 when you've exceeded your rate limit or twitter has a problem, allowing you to remember where you were and resume. You could also monitor twitterContext RateLimit properties to see if you're getting close and avoid an exception for HTTP 429 ahead of time. Any other technique to blindly read N tweets could force you to waste rate-limit and make your application less scalable.

  • Tip: Remember to save SinceID for the given search term, if you're saving tweets, to keep from re-reading the same tweets the next time you do a search with that search term.

For more info on the mechanics of this, read Working with Timelines in the Twitter docs.

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Joe Mayo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09

Joe Mayo