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How to get a value from second element of a class with jquery?

my html code:

        <select class="b_selectbox">
            <option value="0">Status</option>

        <select class="b_selectbox">
            <option value="0">Type</option>

        <select class="b_selectbox">
            <option value="0">Category</option>

That's working for first element:

$(".b_selectbox option:first").text();

I am trying to get text "Type", here is what i tried so far:

 $(".b_selectbox option:first").text()[1]; // result: "t" probably second letter from "Status"

$(".b_selectbox option:first")[1].text(); // not working either

Is there a solution without using each and id names ?

like image 731
mirza Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 04:12


1 Answers


$('.b_selectbox option').eq(1).text();

if each select element has only one option (makes a select unnecessary?), or if you want to get the second of all options, or


if you want the text of the first option of the second select element.

For more information, see .eq() [docs].

like image 188
Felix Kling Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 04:01

Felix Kling