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How could I display (x,y) coordinates on image in real-time to the user when the user hovers his mouse over the image?

I have a square image/graph on which the user clicks.

Is there a way to display the (x,y) coordinates of the cursor to the user in real-time whenever the user hovers over the image (user does not need to click on the image)?

like image 921
oxo Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 07:12


1 Answers

This should do it:


<img id="the_image" src="http://placekitten.com/200/200" />
<div id="coords"></div>


$image = $('#the_image');
imgPos = [
    $image.offset().left + $image.outerWidth(),
    $image.offset().top + $image.outerHeight()

  $('#coords').html((e.pageX-imgPos[0]) +', '+ (e.pageY-imgPos[1]));

DEMO (updated): http://jsfiddle.net/az8Uu/2/

Note: Throttling the mousemove handler would be a good idea too, to avoid calling the function every 4 milliseconds.

like image 184
Jens Roland Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 03:02

Jens Roland