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How to get a decimal string from a Double instead of scientific notation in Haskell?

I need to divide a list of numbers by 100 to be printed, for example:

map (/100) [29, 3, 12]



however I need:


How do I do this in Haskell? Any ideas really appreciated.

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Ian Stewart Avatar asked May 03 '16 14:05

Ian Stewart

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Scipen: A penalty to be applied when deciding to print numeric values in fixed or exponential notation. Positive values bias towards fixed and negative towards scientific notation: fixed notation will be preferred unless it is more than scipen digits wider.

What is Sciscientific notation?

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2 Answers

0.03 and 3.0e-2 are the same number. Internally, GHC uses showFloat to print it, which will result in the scientific notation whenever the absolute value is outside the range 0.1 and 9,999,999.

Therfore, you have to print the values yourself, for example with printf from Text.Printf or showFFloat from Numeric:

import Numeric

showFullPrecision :: Double -> String
showFullPrecision x = showFFloat Nothing x ""

main = putStrLn (showFullPrecision 0.03)

Depending on your desired output, you need to write some more functions.

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Zeta Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11


What works for me is: cabal install numbers and then in GHCi

λ: import Data.Number.CReal
λ: map (/(100 :: CReal)) [29,3,12]
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Golden Thumb Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 17:11

Golden Thumb