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How to format the currency in HTML5 with thymeleaf

I am stuck with formatting the currency in HTML 5. I have application where I have to format the currency. I have below code snippet

 <td class="right"><span th:inline="text">$ [[${abc.value}]]</span></td> 

Where from DAO abc I am reading the currency value, it should be formatted. Currently printing $ 1200000.0 it should print $ 1,200,000.0 .0

like image 654
giri Avatar asked Jan 04 '13 15:01


1 Answers

You can use the #numbers utility object, which methods you can see here: http://www.thymeleaf.org/apidocs/thymeleaf/2.0.15/org/thymeleaf/expression/Numbers.html

For example:

<span th:inline="text">$ [[${#numbers.formatDecimal(abc.value, 0, 'COMMA', 2, 'POINT')}]]</span> 

Nevertheless, you can also do this without inlining (which is the thymeleaf recommended way):

<td>$ <span th:text="${#numbers.formatDecimal(abc.value, 0, 'COMMA', 2, 'POINT')}">10.00</span></td> 
like image 50
Daniel Fernández Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Daniel Fernández