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How to format a nested multiple-value-bind the let way?

Recently, I've been often nesting several functions that return multiple values. However, unlike let, which me allows to write these calls elegantly into one big statement, I always end up with a lot of indentation.

My question is: having several multiple-valued functions such as

(defun return-1-and-2 ()
  (values 1 2))

(defun return-3-and-4 ()
  (values 3 4))

is it possible to achieve the same as

(multiple-value-bind (one two)
  (multiple-value-bind (three four)
    (list one two three four)))

but write it more concisely the let-way, i.e., something like

(multiple-let (((one two) (return-1-and-2))
               ((three four) (return-3-and-4)))
  (list one two three four))


like image 285
Dominik Mokriš Avatar asked Feb 01 '20 18:02

Dominik Mokriš

2 Answers

Probably there are similar constructs in libraries.

Note that it is more similar to let*, not let, since scope is nested.

One could write a macro. For example:

(defmacro multiple-value-let* ((&rest bindings) &body body)

  "Sets the scope for several ((var-0 ... var-n) form)
  binding clauses, using the multiple return values of the form."

  (if (null bindings)
      `(progn ,@body)
    (destructuring-bind (((&rest vars) form) &rest rest-bindings)
      `(multiple-value-bind ,vars
         (multiple-value-let* ,rest-bindings


CL-USER 33 > (walker:walk-form
              '(multiple-value-let* (((one two)    (return-1-and-2))
                                     ((three four) (return-3-and-4)))
                 (list one two three four)))
like image 70
Rainer Joswig Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Rainer Joswig

I have grown a bit fond of the library let-plus, which offers a let+ macro that has this option (among others):

(let+ (((&values one two) (return-1-and-2))
       ((&values three four) (return-3-and-4))
       (foo (bar))                  ; other examples
       (#(a b c) (some-vector)))    ;
  #| body… |#)
like image 36
Svante Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
