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How to force an RSpec test to fail?

What's the proper way to force an RSpec test to fail?

I'm considering 1.should == 2 however there's probably something better.

like image 924
SundayMonday Avatar asked Mar 07 '12 20:03


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1 Answers

fail/raise will do the trick (they are aliases of each other).


specify "this test fails" do   raise "this is my failure message" end 

Fails with:

1) failing this test fails    Failure/Error: raise "this is my failure message"     RuntimeError:      this is my failure message 


If you are thinking of using raise/fail in a spec, you should consider that there are probably more explicit ways of writing your expectation.

Additionally, raise/fail doesn't play well with aggregate_failures because the exception short-circuits the block and won't run any following matchers.

Mark a test as pending

If you need to mark a test as pending to make sure you get back to it, you could use the fail/raise, but you can also use pending.

# 🚫 Instead of this: it "should do something" do    # ...    raise "this needs to be implemented" end  # βœ… Try this: it "should do something" do   pending "this needs to be implemented" end 

Assert that a block is not called

If you need to ensure a block is not being executed, consider using the yield matchers. For example:

describe "Enumerable#any?" do   # 🚫 Instead of this:   it "doesn't yield to the block if the collection is empty" do     [].any? { raise "it should not call this block" }   end    # βœ… Try this:   it "doesn't yield to the block if the collection is empty" do     expect { |b| [].any?(&b) }.not_to yield_control   end end 
like image 126
nicholaides Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
