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How to fit a datatable into a panel with percentage max-height

[Primefaces 5.0]

I have a tabview that holds a datatable. Depending on the tab, the datatable is filled with different data (i.e. a different number of columns and rows). The following setup handles the data fine, but no matter if I put the max-height constraint on the panel, the tab, or the datatable, it doesn't seem to constrain it to that percent of the screen. If I set the constraint to a particular value (e.g. 300px), it works, but I'd rather not.

Basically: I want a datatable that will fit its content up to the point that it takes up 30% of the screen. At this point, it should scroll.

    <body style="min-width: 1366px;min-height: 768px;height: 100%;margin-left: 20px;">
    <div style="width: 10%;float: left"> ... </div>
    <div style="width: 90%;float: right">
            <p:panel classStyle="panel" header="Instance Data View" style="width: 100%;max-height: 30%;margin-bottom: 1%">
                <p:tabView value="#{pageBean.tables}" var="table" dynamic="true">
                    <p:tab title="#{table.tableName}" >
                        <p:dataTable var="row" 
                            <p:columns value="#{pageBean.tableData[table.tableName].columns}" style="white-space: normal;"
                                var="column" columnIndexVar="columnIndex">
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <p:outputLabel value="#{column}"/>
                                <p:outputLabel value="#{row[columnIndex]}"/>
like image 395
user2303325 Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 06:11


1 Answers

You can use "vh" on the size of max-height, for viewport height like this:

<body style="min-width: 1366px;min-height: 768px;height: 100%;margin-left: 20px;">
<div style="width: 10%;float: left"> ... </div>
<div style="width: 90%;float: right">
        <p:panel classStyle="panel" header="Instance Data View" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 1%">
            <p:tabView value="#{pageBean.tables}" var="table" dynamic="true">
                <p:tab title="#{table.tableName}" >
                    <p:dataTable var="row" 
                        resizableColumns="true" style="max-height: 30vh;">
                        <p:columns value="#{pageBean.tableData[table.tableName].columns}" style="white-space: normal;"
                            var="column" columnIndexVar="columnIndex">
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <p:outputLabel value="#{column}"/>
                            <p:outputLabel value="#{row[columnIndex]}"/>
like image 86
Willian Tamagi Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Willian Tamagi