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How to find the branch from commit id

So, I am trying to find branch name in which a given commit was made. (c853d8cf3ae34dae9866b874b96c6529515d7e90)

I have the parent id and commit id referenced on the git issue.
How can I find that given commit id was pushed in 'x' branch?

like image 883
PriyankaK Avatar asked Mar 26 '13 20:03


2 Answers

On GitHub specifically, you now can see the branch a given commit is part of.
The blog post "Branch and Tag Labels For Commit Pages" details:

If the commit is not on the default branch, the indicator will show the branches which contain the commit.
If the commit is part of an unmerged pull request, a link will be shown.

Link to pull request

Once the commit makes it to the default branch, any tags that contain the commit will be shown, and the default branch will be the only branch listed.

branch part of commit

Original answer

You can list those branches:

git branch --contains <commit>

# in your case
git branch --contains <commit> | grep x

More details in "Git: Finding what branch a commit came from".

Don't forget that a commit can be part of several branches.

like image 160
VonC Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 05:11


Just a cheat.

You can see the branch on the commit detail page of Github like the following:


Ex: https://github.com/chungth/Laravel-5.2-Bootstrap3-starter-site/commit/f81c13234a9da988613e14e52f752abec5f51997

You can see the current branch name on that page.

like image 22
Chung Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 04:11
