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How to find other built-in DWT fields?



Within a DWT Template Building Block, we can use a few "free" variables such as @@Component.Title@@ or @@Component.ID@@ as well as built-in DWT functions.

I didn't realize we can also get a component's schema description with @@Component.Description@@ or @@Description@@.

The out-of-the-box Default Dreamweaver Component Design has a good set of examples, along with the Tridion Cook book's iteration example, and SDL Live Content.

How else could I find other allowed built-in DWT functions and variables, programmatic or otherwise?

In other words, I wouldn't have thought @@Description@@ was even available in DWT without seeing an example first (not that I have a use for it yet).

Edit (June 8, 2013): I did find additional information on SDL Live Content (requires login). We can of course use available Package variables as described in the documentation.

like image 903
Alvin Reyes Avatar asked Jan 10 '13 08:01

Alvin Reyes

1 Answers

Researching a bit, I found that if we go to the tridion.contenmanager.config file, we will discover the node, which references to the Dreamweaver mediator type:

<mediator matchMIMEType="text/x-tcm-dreamweaver" type="Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.Dreamweaver.DreamweaverMediator" />

This namespace can be found inside Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.dll

Decompiling is the best way to find out what is inside and learn something. Since it is .Net code, that will not be a problem, there is many free good tools available. I'm using lately JustDecompile

I did not go too deep into the code, but I can see that there is a TridionObjectSource class, with a number of Constants for reserved words, like:

  • ReservedNameTitle
  • ReservedNameDescription

Searching where this constants are used on the code, can help to better understand what they do, and the way the Dreamweaver Mediator works inside.

Seems like an interesting learning exercise

like image 199
Puntero Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
