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Tridion and SmartTarget: tcdl tags converted to <smarttarget:xxx> instead of <tridion:xxx>

I installed SmartTarget 2011 SP1 on a Tridion 2011 environment (.NET) following the instructions in SDL Live Content.

The problem is that When I publish a page, all my


tags are converted into


The bad thing is that


is also transformed into


instead of


What am I missing? Thank you!

Edited to add TCDLEngine section of cd_deployer_conf.xml (I deleted commented lines):

        <Property Name="tcdl.dotnet.style" Value="controls"/>  
        <Property Name="tcdl.jsp.style" Value="tags"/>  
    <Property Name="aspnet.tagprefix" Value="tridion" />
    <Property Name="aspnet.tagprefix" Value="smarttarget" />

    <TagBundle Resource="com/tridion/smarttarget/tcdl/tagbundle.xml"/>
like image 461
Inmaculada Palacios Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 12:10

Inmaculada Palacios

1 Answers

Remove the following elements for your Deployer config:

<Property Name="aspnet.tagprefix" Value="tridion" />
<Property Name="aspnet.tagprefix" Value="smarttarget" />
like image 190
Jeremy Grand-Scrutton Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Jeremy Grand-Scrutton