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SDL Tridion GetListKeywords using Anquilla Framework

I'm writing a GUI extension and using the Anquilla framework to get a list of Keywords within a Category. I'm obtaining an XML document for the list of keywords then working with that document within my extension.

My problem is that the returned XML doesn't contain the Keyword's 'Description' value. I have the Title and Key etc.

My original code looks like this:

var category = $models.getItem("CATEGORYTCMID:);
var list = category.getListKeywords();

A typical node returned is this:

<tcm:Item ID="tcm:4-1749-1024" 
Type="1024" Title="rate_one" Lock="0" IsRoot="true" 
Modified="2012-12-17T23:01:59" FromPub="010 Schema" 
Key="rate_one_value" IsAbstract="false" 
CategoryID="tcm:4-469-512" Icon="T1024L0P0" 
Allow="268560384" Deny="96" IsNew="false" 

So I've tried using a Filter to give me additional column information:

var filter = new Tridion.ContentManager.ListFilter();
filter.columns = Tridion.Constants.ColumnFilter.EXTENDED;
var list = category.getListKeywords(filter);

Unfortunately this only gives the additional XML attributes:

IsShared="true" IsLocalized="false"

I'd really like the description value to be part of this XML without having to create a Keyword object from the XML. Is such a thing possible?

cough any ideas? cough

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johnwinter Avatar asked Dec 19 '12 17:12


2 Answers

I'm afraid you'll have to load the Keyword itself to get the Description. It's not used in any lists, so it's not returned in the XML.

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Peter Kjaer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Peter Kjaer

You could always create a List Extender to add this information to the list, but try to be smart about it since this extender will execute everytime a GetList is called.

Won't save you from having to open every keyword in the list, but you'll be doing it server-side (with Core Service/NetTcp for instance) which will probably be easier and faster than opening each keyword with Anguilla.

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Nuno Linhares Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Nuno Linhares