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How to find files that match a wildcard string in Java?

People also ask

Which are the wildcard characters for finding a file folder?

Wildcard character is a special character that represents one or more other characters. Wildcard characters are often used when you do not know the exact name of file/folder or you do not want to type the entire name. There are two wildcard characters: asterisk (*) and question mark (?).

How do I find a specific file in Java?

Searching files in Java can be performed using the File class and FilenameFilter interface. The FilenameFilter interface is used to filter files from the list of files. This interface has a method boolean accept(File dir, String name) that is implemented to find the desired files from the list returned by the java. io.

Try FileUtils from Apache commons-io (listFiles and iterateFiles methods):

File dir = new File(".");
FileFilter fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter("sample*.java");
File[] files = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {

To solve your issue with the TestX folders, I would first iterate through the list of folders:

File[] dirs = new File(".").listFiles(new WildcardFileFilter("Test*.java");
for (int i=0; i<dirs.length; i++) {
   File dir = dirs[i];
   if (dir.isDirectory()) {
       File[] files = dir.listFiles(new WildcardFileFilter("sample*.java"));

Quite a 'brute force' solution but should work fine. If this doesn't fit your needs, you can always use the RegexFileFilter.

Consider DirectoryScanner from Apache Ant:

DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
scanner.setIncludes(new String[]{"**/*.java"});
String[] files = scanner.getIncludedFiles();

You'll need to reference ant.jar (~ 1.3 MB for ant 1.7.1).

Here are examples of listing files by pattern powered by Java 7 nio globbing and Java 8 lambdas:

    try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(
            Paths.get(".."), "Test?/sample*.txt")) {
        dirStream.forEach(path -> System.out.println(path));


    PathMatcher pathMatcher = FileSystems.getDefault()
    try (DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(
            new File("..").toPath(), pathMatcher::matches)) {
        dirStream.forEach(path -> System.out.println(path));

Since Java 8 you can use Files#find method directly from java.nio.file.

public static Stream<Path> find(Path start,
                                int maxDepth,
                                BiPredicate<Path, BasicFileAttributes> matcher,
                                FileVisitOption... options)

Example usage

           (path, basicFileAttributes) -> path.toFile().getName().matches(".*.pom")

You could convert your wildcard string to a regular expression and use that with String's matches method. Following your example:

String original = "../Test?/sample*.txt";
String regex = original.replace("?", ".?").replace("*", ".*?");

This works for your examples:


And counter-examples:


Might not help you right now, but JDK 7 is intended to have glob and regex file name matching as part of "More NIO Features".

The wildcard library efficiently does both glob and regex filename matching:


The implementation is succinct -- JAR is only 12.9 kilobytes.