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Should I use string.isEmpty() or "".equals(string)?




People also ask

Can .equals be used for strings?

Definition and Usage. The equals() method compares two strings, and returns true if the strings are equal, and false if not. Tip: Use the compareTo() method to compare two strings lexicographically.

What is the difference between isBlank and isEmpty?

isBlank() vs isEmpty() The difference between both methods is that isEmpty() method returns true if, and only if, string length is 0. isBlank() method only checks for non-whitespace characters. It does not check the string length.

Does isEmpty check for empty string?

The isEmpty() method checks whether a string is empty or not. This method returns true if the string is empty (length() is 0), and false if not.

The main benefit of "".equals(s) is you don't need the null check (equals will check its argument and return false if it's null), which you seem to not care about. If you're not worried about s being null (or are otherwise checking for it), I would definitely use s.isEmpty(); it shows exactly what you're checking, you care whether or not s is empty, not whether it equals the empty string

String.equals("") is actually a bit slower than just an isEmpty() call. Strings store a count variable initialized in the constructor, since Strings are immutable.

isEmpty() compares the count variable to 0, while equals will check the type, string length, and then iterate over the string for comparison if the sizes match.

So to answer your question, isEmpty() will actually do a lot less! and that's a good thing.

One thing you might want to consider besides the other issues mentioned is that isEmpty() was introduced in 1.6, so if you use it you won't be able to run the code on Java 1.5 or below.

You can use apache commons StringUtils isEmpty() or isNotEmpty().

It doesn't really matter. "".equals(str) is more clear in my opinion.

isEmpty() returns count == 0;

I wrote a Tester class which can test the performance:

public class Tester
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String text = "";

        int loopCount = 10000000;
        long startTime, endTime, duration1, duration2;

        startTime = System.nanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
        endTime = System.nanoTime();
        duration1 = endTime - startTime;
        System.out.println(".equals(\"\") duration " +": \t" + duration1);

        startTime = System.nanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
        endTime = System.nanoTime();
        duration2 = endTime - startTime;
        System.out.println(".isEmpty() duration "+": \t\t" + duration2);

        System.out.println("isEmpty() to equals(\"\") ratio: " + ((float)duration2 / (float)duration1));

I found that using .isEmpty() took around half the time of .equals("").