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How to find definition of structure when reading c program on linux?






I am reading source code of xl2tpd, and face lots of problems when reading this code. For example I cannot find where the structure lac is defined. How do I find the definition of this structure?

I have used ctags and vim to read this code, but failed to find the structure. I googled and could not find the structure. Is there any method that can make the code reading process more comfortable? That is, I can jump to definition of most variables, functions and structures?

like image 916
thinke365 Avatar asked Feb 17 '12 12:02


People also ask

What is a struct file in C?

A FILE is defined in the C library and never appears in kernel code. A struct file , on the other hand, is a kernel structure that never appears in user programs. The file structure represents an open file.

Where should you define structs in C?

If the struct is to be used by other compilation units (. c files) , place it in the header file so you can include that header file wherever it is needed. If the struct is only used in one compilation unit (. c file), you place it in that .

Where should the code for the struct definition be placed?

This code provides the compiler with a definition of the structure of your new type. This code should be placed in a header file.

How do I use a struct in another file?

The easy solution is to put the definition in an header file, and then include it in all the source file that use the structure. To access the same instance of the struct across the source files, you can still use the extern method. Save this answer.

2 Answers

try cscope with vim. follow steps below -
1) run cscope -R in xl2tpd directory . it will create file cscope.out
2) open file with vim where structure lac is used
3) use :cs f g <lac> . now it will show the files where lac is defined .
4) choose file.h. it contain the definition .
if you are perticulerly interested in definition of struct lac it is below -

struct lac
    struct lac *next;
    struct host *lns;           /* LNS's we can connect to */
    struct schedule_entry *rsched;
    int tun_rws;                /* Receive window size (tunnel) */
    int call_rws;               /* Call rws */
    int rxspeed;                /* Tunnel rx speed */
    int txspeed;                /* Tunnel tx speed */
    int active;                 /* Is this connection in active use? */
    int hbit;                   /* Permit hidden AVP's? */
    int lbit;                   /* Use the length field? */
    int challenge;              /* Challenge authenticate the peer? */
    unsigned int localaddr;     /* Local IP address */    
    unsigned int remoteaddr;    /* Force remote address to this */
    char authname[STRLEN];      /* Who we authenticate as */
    char password[STRLEN];      /* Password to authenticate with */
    char peername[STRLEN];      /* Force peer name to this */
    char hostname[STRLEN];      /* Hostname to report */
    char entname[STRLEN];       /* Name of this entry */
    int authpeer;               /* Authenticate our peer? */
    int authself;               /* Authenticate ourselves? */
    int pap_require;            /* Require PAP auth for PPP */
    int chap_require;           /* Require CHAP auth for PPP */
    int pap_refuse;             /* Refuse PAP authentication for us */
    int chap_refuse;            /* Refuse CHAP authentication for us */
    int idle;                   /* Idle timeout in seconds */
    int autodial;               /* Try to dial immediately? */
    int defaultroute;           /* Use as default route? */
    int redial;                 /* Redial if disconnected */
    int rmax;                   /* Maximum # of consecutive redials */
    int rtries;                 /* # of tries so far */
    int rtimeout;               /* Redial every this many # of seconds */
    char pppoptfile[STRLEN];    /* File containing PPP options */
    int debug;
    struct tunnel *t;           /* Our tunnel */
    struct call *c;             /* Our call */
like image 69
raj_gt1 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10


When going through third-party code, there are a few tools that I have found invaluable:

  • Source Navigator

  • lxr

  • ctags

  • and, of course, the oldest and greatest of all: grep

I believe that the Eclipse CDT also allows you to quickly find the definition of any variable you are looking at, but I have not actually used it - I prefer using console programs for my actual C coding.

None of those are vim-based, although at least ctags can be used via vim or emacs. Nevertheless, they can be very useful when exploring a new codebase that you know nothing about...

like image 43
thkala Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
