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How to filter by object property in angularJS

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How does filter work in AngularJS?

The “filter” Filter in AngularJS is used to filter the array and object elements and return the filtered items. In other words, this filter selects a subset (a smaller array containing elements that meet the filter criteria) of an array from the original array.

What is custom filter in AngularJS?

Introduction to AngularJS Custom Filter. In AngularJS filters are used to modify or update the data before rendering the data on view or UI. Filters are clubbed in expression or directives using pipe (|) symbol.

What is $scope in AngularJS?

The $scope in an AngularJS is a built-in object, which contains application data and methods. You can create properties to a $scope object inside a controller function and assign a value or function to it. The $scope is glue between a controller and view (HTML).

You simply have to use the filter filter (see the documentation) :

<div id="totalPos">{{(tweets | filter:{polarity:'Positive'}).length}}</div>
<div id="totalNeut">{{(tweets | filter:{polarity:'Neutral'}).length}}</div>
<div id="totalNeg">{{(tweets | filter:{polarity:'Negative'}).length}}</div>


The documentation has the complete answer. Anyway this is how it is done:

<input type="text" ng-model="filterValue">
<li ng-repeat="i in data | filter:{age:filterValue}:true"> {{i | json }}</li>

will filter only age in data array and true is for exact match.

For deep filtering,

<li ng-repeat="i in data | filter:{$:filterValue}:true"> {{i}}</li>

The $ is a special property for deep filter and the true is for exact match like above.

You could also do this to make it more dynamic.

<input name="filterByPolarity" data-ng-model="text.polarity"/>

Then you ng-repeat will look like this

<div class="tweet" data-ng-repeat="tweet in tweets | filter:text"></div>

This filter will of course only be used to filter by polarity

We have Collection as below:

enter image description here


{{(Collection/array/list | filter:{Value : (object value)})[0].KeyName}}


{{(Collectionstatus | filter:{Value:dt.Status})[0].KeyName}}



ng-bind="(input | filter)"


ng-bind="(Collectionstatus | filter:{Value:dt.Status})[0].KeyName"

You can try this. its working for me 'name' is a property in arr.

repeat="item in (tagWordOptions | filter:{ name: $select.search } ) track by $index