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Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?

People also ask

How do I stop my browser from blocking third party cookies Safari?

At the top right, tap More More and then Settings. Tap Site settings and then Cookies. Next to “Cookies,” switch the setting on. To allow third-party cookies, check the box next to “Allow third-party cookies.”

Does Safari accept 3rd party cookies?

Does Safari Support Third-Party Cookies? Safari is one of the most prominent web browsers currently in use. It is the default web browser for Apple devices. For security reasons, third-party cookies are blocked on Safari by default.

When did Safari stop supporting third party cookies?

Because Chrome, Safari, and Firefox will all no longer support this type of data tracking by 2022, publications like Digiday are calling Google's phase-out the "death of the third-party cookie."

How do I enable 3d party cookies in Safari?

Click Safari > Preferences and click the “Privacy” tab. Make a note about what is currently selected. Under “Cookies and website data”, click “Always Allow”.

Just wanted to leave a simple working solution here that does not require user interaction.

As I stated in a post I made:

Basically all you need to do is load your page on top.location, create the session and redirect it back to facebook.

Add this code in the top of your index.php and set $page_url to your application final tab/app URL and you’ll see your application will work without any problem.

    $page_url = "http://www.facebook.com/pages/.../...?sk=app_...";
    if (isset($_GET["start_session"]))
        die(header("Location:" . $page_url));

    if (!isset($_GET["sid"]))
        die(header("Location:?sid=" . session_id()));
    $sid = session_id();
    if (empty($sid) || $_GET["sid"] != $sid):

Note: This was made for facebook, but it would actually work within any other similar situations.

Edit 20-Dec-2012 - Maintaining Signed Request:

The above code does not maintain the requests post data, and you would loose the signed_request, if your application relies on signed request feel free to try the following code:

Note: This is still being tested properly and may be less stable than the first version. Use at your own risk / Feedback is appreciated.

(Thanks to CBroe for pointing me into the right direction here allowing to improve the solution)

// Start Session Fix
$page_url = "http://www.facebook.com/pages/.../...?sk=app_...";
if (isset($_GET["start_session"]))
    die(header("Location:" . $page_url));
$sid = session_id();
if (!isset($_GET["sid"]))
       $_SESSION["signed_request"] = $_POST["signed_request"];
    die(header("Location:?sid=" . $sid));
if (empty($sid) || $_GET["sid"] != $sid)
// End Session Fix

You said you were willing to have your users click a button before the content loads. My solution was to have a button open a new browser window. That window sets a cookie for my domain, refreshes the opener and then closes.

So your main script could look like:

<?php if(count($_COOKIE) > 0): ?>
<!--Main Content Stuff-->
<?php else: ?>
<a href="/safari_cookie_fix.php" target="_blank">Click here to load content</a>
<?php endif ?>

Then safari_cookie_fix.php looks like:

setcookie("safari_test", "1");
        <title>Safari Fix</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/libraries/prototype.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){
    This window should close automatically

I tricked Safari with a .htaccess:

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set P3P "policyref=\"/w3c/p3p.xml\", CP=\"NOI DSP COR NID CUR ADM DEV OUR BUS\""
Header set Set-Cookie "test_cookie=1"

And it stopped working for me too. All my apps are losing the session in Safari and are redirecting out of Facebook. As I'm in a hurry to fix those apps, I'm currently searching for a solution. I'll keep you posted.

Edit (2012-04-06): Apparently Apple "fixed" it with 5.1.4. I'm sure this is the reaction to the Google-thing: "An issue existed in the enforcement of its cookie policy. Third-party websites could set cookies if the "Block Cookies" preference in Safari was set to the default setting of "From third parties and advertisers". http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5190

For my specific situation I resolved the problem by using window.postMessage() and eliminating any user interaction. Note that this will only work if you can somehow execute js in the parent window. Either by having it include a js from your domain, or if you have direct access to the source.

In the iframe (domain-b) i check for the presence of a cookie and if it is not set will send a postMessage to the parent (domain-a). Eg;

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1
    && document.cookie.indexOf("safari_cookie_fix") < 0) {
    window.parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ event: "safariCookieFix", data: {} }));

Then in the parent window (domain-a) listen for the event.

if (typeof window.addEventListener !== "undefined") {
    window.addEventListener("message", messageReceived, false);

function messageReceived (e) {
    var data;

    if (e.origin !== "http://www.domain-b.com") {

    try {
        data = JSON.parse(e.data);
    catch (err) {

    if (typeof data !== "object" || typeof data.event !== "string" || typeof data.data === "undefined") {

    if (data.event === "safariCookieFix") {
        window.location.href = e.origin + "/safari/cookiefix"; // Or whatever your url is

Finally on your server (http://www.domain-b.com/safari/cookiefix) you set the cookie and redirect back to where the user came from. Below example is using ASP.NET MVC

public class SafariController : Controller
    public ActionResult CookieFix()
        Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("safari_cookie_fix", "1"));

        return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer != null ? Request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString : "http://www.domain-a.com/");


In your Ruby on Rails controller you can use:


before_filter :safari_cookie_fix

def safari_cookie_fix
  user_agent = UserAgent.parse(request.user_agent) # Uses useragent gem!
  if user_agent.browser == 'Safari' # we apply the fix..
    return if session[:safari_cookie_fixed] # it is already fixed.. continue
    if params[:safari_cookie_fix].present? # we should be top window and able to set cookies.. so fix the issue :)
      session[:safari_cookie_fixed] = true
      redirect_to params[:return_to]
      # Redirect the top frame to your server..
      render :text => "<script>alert('start redirect');top.window.location='?safari_cookie_fix=true&return_to=#{set_your_return_url}';</script>"

I had the same problem and today I found a fix that works fine for me. If the user agent contains Safari and no cookies are set, I redirect the user to the OAuth Dialog:

<?php if ( ! count($_COOKIE) > 0 && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Safari')) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
    window.top.location.href = 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/?client_id=APP_ID&redirect_uri=MY_TAB_URL&scope=SCOPE';
<?php } ?>

After authentication and asking for permissions the OAuth Dialog will redirect to my URI in the top location. So setting cookies is possible. For all of our canvas and page tab apps I have already included the following script:

<script type="text/javascript">
    if (top.location.href==location.href) top.location.href = 'MY_TAB_URL';

So the user will be redirected again to the Facebook page tab with a valid cookie already set and the signed request is posted again.