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How to declare a global variable in JavaScript

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Can I declare a global variable in JavaScript?

Declaring Variable: A variable can be either declared as a global or local variable. Variables can be declared by var, let, and const keywords. Before ES6 there is only a var keyword available to declare a JavaScript variable.

How do you define a global variable in JavaScript?

Global variables can be accessed from anywhere in a JavaScript program. Variables declared with var , let and const are quite similar when declared outside a block. They all have Global Scope: var x = 2; // Global scope. let x = 2; // Global scope.

How do you declare a global variable?

The global Keyword Normally, when you create a variable inside a function, that variable is local, and can only be used inside that function. To create a global variable inside a function, you can use the global keyword.

If you have to generate global variables in production code (which should be avoided) always declare them explicitly:

window.globalVar = "This is global!";

While it is possible to define a global variable by just omitting var (assuming there is no local variable of the same name), doing so generates an implicit global, which is a bad thing to do and would generate an error in strict mode.

If this is the only application where you're going to use this variable, Felix's approach is excellent. However, if you're writing a jQuery plugin, consider "namespacing" (details on the quotes later...) variables and functions needed under the jQuery object. For example, I'm currently working on a jQuery popup menu that I've called miniMenu. Thus, I've defined a "namespace" miniMenu under jQuery, and I place everything there.

The reason I use quotes when I talk about JavaScript namespaces is that they aren't really namespaces in the normal sense. Instead, I just use a JavaScript object and place all my functions and variables as properties of this object.

Also, for convenience, I usually sub-space the plugin namespace with an i namespace for stuff that should only be used internally within the plugin, so as to hide it from users of the plugin.

This is how it works:

// An object to define utility functions and global variables on:
$.miniMenu = new Object();
// An object to define internal stuff for the plugin:
$.miniMenu.i = new Object();

Now I can just do $.miniMenu.i.globalVar = 3 or $.miniMenu.i.parseSomeStuff = function(...) {...} whenever I need to save something globally, and I still keep it out of the global namespace.

Note: The question is about JavaScript, and this answer is about jQuery, which is wrong. This is an old answer, from times when jQuery was widespread.

Instead, I recommend understanding scopes and closures in JavaScript.

Old, bad answer

With jQuery you can just do this, no matter where the declaration is:

$my_global_var = 'my value';

And will be available everywhere.

I use it for making quick image galleries, when images are spread in different places, like so:

$gallery = $('img');
$current = 0;

    // preload images
    (new Image()).src = v;
$('div').eq(0).append('<a style="display:inline-block" class="prev">prev</a> <div id="gallery"></div> <a style="display:inline-block" class="next">next</a>');
    $current = ( $current == $gallery.length - 1 ) ? 0 : $current + 1;
    $current = ( $current == 0 ) ? $gallery.length - 1 : $current - 1;

Tip: run this whole code in the console in this page ;-)

Here is a basic example of a global variable that the rest of your functions can access. Here is a live example for you: http://jsfiddle.net/fxCE9/

var myVariable = 'Hello';
alert('value: ' + myVariable);
alert('value: ' + myVariable);
alert('value: ' + myVariable);

function myFunction1() {
    myVariable = 'Hello 1';

function myFunction2() {
    myVariable = 'Hello 2';

If you are doing this within a jQuery ready() function then make sure your variable is inside the ready() function along with your other functions.