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How to escape things within zend literal?

I'm creating an advanced search and wanted to loop through my queries by adding them to an array like so:

private $searchFields = [
    'as_first_name'                  => 'users.first_name like "%VALUE%"',
    'as_last_name'                   => 'users.last_name like "%VALUE%"',
    'as_payment_history_invoice_num' => 'users.user_id = (SELECT user_id from payment_history where payment_history.invoice_number = "VALUE" LIMIT 1)',
    'as_building_num'                => 'property_units.building_number like "%VALUE%"',
    'as_residents_email'             => 'users.email like "%VALUE%"',
    'as_property_name'               => 'property.name like "%VALUE%"',
    'as_phone_num'                   => 'REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(users.phone, " ", ""), "(", ""), ")", ""), "-", "") = "VALUE"',
    'as_unit_num'                    => 'property_units.unit_number = "VALUE"',
    'as_account_status'              => 'user_status.status_name = "VALUE"'

so on search I'm doing something like..

if (array_key_exists($key, $this->searchFields)) {

    $where->NEST->literal(str_replace('VALUE', urldecode($val), $this->searchFields[$key]))->UNNEST;

but the issue is I'm not escaping anything there. Not good. How can I use the same structure but also be escaping stuff.

like image 739
hamobi Avatar asked Feb 13 '17 17:02


1 Answers

Literal predicate is for the cases when there are no placeholders. You should use Expression predicate instead.

private $searchFields = [
    'as_first_name'                  => 'users.first_name like "?"',
    'as_last_name'                   => 'users.last_name like "?"',
    'as_payment_history_invoice_num' => 'users.user_id = (SELECT user_id from payment_history where payment_history.invoice_number = "?" LIMIT 1)',
    'as_building_num'                => 'property_units.building_number like "?"',
    'as_residents_email'             => 'users.email like "?"',
    'as_property_name'               => 'property.name like "?"',
    'as_phone_num'                   => 'REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(users.phone, " ", ""), "(", ""), ")", ""), "-", "") = "?"',
    'as_unit_num'                    => 'property_units.unit_number = "?"',
    'as_account_status'              => 'user_status.status_name = "?"'

zend-form values should already be decoded, so urldecode is not needed

if (array_key_exists($key, $this->searchFields)) {

    $where->NEST->expression($this->searchFields[$key], $val)->UNNEST;

I didn't use zend-db in quite a while, make sure to check that this code is actually producing the query you need.

like image 140
Xerkus Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 17:11
