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How to get redirector.googlevideo.com link from a Google drive video

I have a google drive video file (like https://drive.google.com/file/d/FILE_ID/view) and I want to get its redirector.googlevideo.com link.

How do sites like http://api.getlinkdrive.com/ do it? I've tried using the Google Drive REST API, (both v2 and v3) but still can't find a way to do it. Many tv-show and movie sites host their content on google drive, and use this "cloaked" URL that expires so you can't for example embed it somewhere else.

The closest I've gotten is by going to docs.google.com/get_video_info?docid=FILE_ID and getting the fmt_stream_map links, but that doesn't return the redirector link which I need.

like image 958
chenophucu Avatar asked Feb 08 '17 14:02


People also ask

What is redirector Google Video?

Some streaming sites I noticed they use redirector.googlevideo.com to generate a UNIQUE link for whoever click it, which then redirect them to the unique link afterwards.

How do I insert a video from Google Drive into my website?

Double click on the file in Google Drive to open it, click on "More actions" in the top right-hand corner (three vertical dots), and choose "Open in a new window." In the new window, click again on "More actions" in the top right-hand corner (three vertical dots) and choose "Embed item...".

Can you save a video from a Google Drive link?

With the Chrome Extension “Save 2 Drive,” all you have to do is right click on a link and you can save it to your Google Drive. It's a helpful Chrome Extension that just gives you the option of saving links to your Google Drive with one click, whether it's audio, video, or an image.

2 Answers

Php code will not work here and even meaningless, because it will return the result for server side.

This is my Javascript/Ajax code. Unfortunately, you should use Access-Control-Allow-Origin extension in Chrome browser. First, please see this screenshot of console window.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"  integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4="  crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
      <script src="https://content.jwplatform.com/libraries/YOUR-JW-PLAYER-LICENSE-KEY.js"></script>

      <p id="urls"></p>
      <div id="myElement"></div>

      var docid = "0B4Mn0g4wWmQ1ZThycVhOcDJQc2c";
      var api_url = "https://docs.google.com/get_video_info";
      var ans = {};
      var url = "";


      function getGoogleVideoUrl(){
          url: api_url,
          type: "get",
          data: { 
            docid: docid,
          success: function(response) {
            // get value of which key is 'fmt_stream_map'.
            var fmt_stream_map = getQueryVariable(response, 'fmt_stream_map');
            // split my comma
            var maps = fmt_stream_map.split("%2C");
            // loop all links, 
            var purl = "";          
            for (x in maps) {
                var res = decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(maps[x])).split('|');
                // purl = res[1].replace(new RegExp("/\/[^\/]+\.google\.com/", 'g'),"//redirector.googlevideo.com/");
                // purl = res[1].replace(new RegExp("\.google\.com/", 'g'),".googlevideo.com/");

                purl = res[1];

                switch (parseInt(res[0])) {
                case 5:
                    quality = 'Low Quality, 240p, FLV, 400x240';
                case 17:
                    quality = 'Low Quality, 144p, 3GP, 0x0';
                case 18:
                    quality = 'Medium Quality, 360p, MP4, 480x360';
                case 22:
                    quality = 'High Quality, 720p, MP4, 1280x720';
                case 34:
                    quality = 'Medium Quality, 360p, FLV, 640x360';
                case 35:
                    quality = 'Standard Definition, 480p, FLV, 854x480';
                case 36:
                    quality = 'Low Quality, 240p, 3GP, 0x0';
                case 37:
                    quality = 'Full High Quality, 1080p, MP4, 1920x1080';
                case 38:
                    quality = 'Original Definition, MP4, 4096x3072';
                case 43:
                    quality = 'Medium Quality, 360p, WebM, 640x360';
                case 44:
                    quality = 'Standard Definition, 480p, WebM, 854x480';
                case 45:
                    quality = 'High Quality, 720p, WebM, 1280x720';
                case 46:
                    quality = 'Full High Quality, 1080p, WebM, 1280x720';
                case 82:
                    quality = 'Medium Quality 3D, 360p, MP4, 640x360';
                case 84:
                    quality = 'High Quality 3D, 720p, MP4, 1280x720';
                case 102:
                    quality = 'Medium Quality 3D, 360p, WebM, 640x360';
                case 104:
                    quality =  'High Quality 3D, 720p, WebM, 1280x720';
                    quality =  'transcoded (unknown) quality';
                ans[quality] = purl;

             url  = ans[Object.keys(ans)[0]];

          error: function(xhr) {
            //Do Something to handle error

      function build_player(){
        var playerInstance = jwplayer("myElement");
            file: url,
            type: "mp4",
            width: 800 , 
            height: 600,

      function getQueryVariable(query, variable) {
          var vars = query.split('&');
          for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
              var pair = vars[i].split('=');
              if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
                  //return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
                  return pair[1];
          console.log('Query variable %s not found', variable);
          return "";


This code works basically, but doesn't play in jwplayer component.

However, if you enter this URL, "https://docs.google.com/get_video_info?docid=0B4Mn0g4wWmQ1ZThycVhOcDJQc2c", directly in chrome browser, get JSON file , parse it manually, use one of URLs directly in this code as jwplayer's file url, it works perfectly, although it contains "app=explorer" tag in itself.

I'm not sure why this happens. So I tried to compare 2 links and some parameters is different. The first one is from above code and not working, the 2nd JSON file directly and working.)






Why first one is not working while 2nd is working? Any idea of this?

like image 178
Lin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09


He is talking about getting the URL from google drive all qualities in 360p,480p,720p,1080p and convert just before the /videoplayback to redirector.googlevideo.com and make it as video/mp4 to do playback in JW Player.I have the full script but it has got a minor problem it says forbidden 403 and it is because of changes google made in API.Have a look at the codes in PHP and let me know if someone can fix it,i will post full script later.

function Drive($link) {
    $url = urldecode($link);
    $get = curl1($url);
    $data = explode(',["fmt_stream_map","', $get);
    $data = explode('"]', $data[1]);
    $data = str_replace(array('\u003d', '\u0026'), array('=', '&'), $data[0]);
    $data = explode(',', $data);
    foreach($data as $list) {
        $data2 = explode('|', $list);
        if($data2[0] == 37) {$q1080p = preg_replace("/\/[^\/]+\.google\.com/","/redirector.googlevideo.com",$data2[1]);}    // 1080P
        if($data2[0] == 22) {$q720p = preg_replace("/\/[^\/]+\.google\.com/","/redirector.googlevideo.com",$data2[1]);}     // 720P
        if($data2[0] == 59) {$q480p = preg_replace("/\/[^\/]+\.google\.com/","/redirector.googlevideo.com",$data2[1]);}     // 480P
        if($data2[0] == 18) {$q360p = preg_replace("/\/[^\/]+\.google\.com/","/redirector.googlevideo.com",$data2[1]);}     // 360P
    $js[0][0] = "$q1080p";
    $js[0][1] = "$q720p";
    $js[0][2] = "$q480p";
    $js[0][3] = "$q360p";
    $js[1][0] = "1080P";
    $js[1][1] = "720P";
    $js[1][2] = "480P";
    $js[1][3] = "360P";
    return $js;     
if ($jw[0][0] != "") {
    echo('{file: "'.urldecode($jw[0][0]).'",type: "video/mp4",label: "'.urldecode($jw[1][0]).'"},');
if ($jw[0][1] != "") {
    echo('{file: "'.urldecode($jw[0][1]).'",type: "video/mp4",label: "'.urldecode($jw[1][1]).'"},');
if ($jw[0][2] != "") {
    echo('{file: "'.urldecode($jw[0][2]).'",type: "video/mp4",label: "'.urldecode($jw[1][2]).'"},');
if ($jw[0][3] != "") {
    echo('{file: "'.urldecode($jw[0][3]).'",type: "video/mp4",label: "'.urldecode($jw[1][3]).'"},');
like image 43
Football Live Streamings Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Football Live Streamings