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How to enforce unique embedded document in mongoid

I have the following model

class Person 
  include Mongoid::Document
  embeds_many :tasks

class Task
  include Mongoid::Document
  embedded_in :commit, :inverse_of => :tasks
  field :name

How can I ensure the following?

person.tasks.create :name => "create facebook killer"
person.tasks.create :name => "create facebook killer"

person.tasks.count == 1

different_person.tasks.create :name => "create facebook killer"
person.tasks.count == 1
different_person.tasks.count == 1

i.e. task names are unique within a particular person

Having checked out the docs on indexes I thought the following might work:

class Person 
  include Mongoid::Document
  embeds_many :tasks

  index [
      ["tasks.name", Mongo::ASCENDING], 
      ["_id", Mongo::ASCENDING]
  ], :unique => true


person.tasks.create :name => "create facebook killer"
person.tasks.create :name => "create facebook killer"

still produces a duplicate.

The index config shown above in Person would translate into for mongodb

db.things.ensureIndex({firstname : 1, 'tasks.name' : 1}, {unique : true})
like image 722
opsb Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 19:12


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2 Answers

Can't you just put a validator on the Task?

validates :name, :uniqueness => true

That should ensure uniqueness within parent document.

like image 145
Paul Elliott Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Paul Elliott

Indexes are not unique by default. If you look at the Mongo Docs on this, uniqueness is an extra flag.

I don't know the exact Mongoid translation, but you're looking for something like this:

db.things.ensureIndex({firstname : 1}, {unique : true, dropDups : true})

like image 26
Gates VP Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Gates VP