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How can rails remove a table row after an ajax call to delete it?

If I have a link -

= link_to 'ajaX', 
  data: { :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :remote => true } 

with a route:

get 'ajax_delete_link/:id', to: 'links#ajax_delete_link', as: :ajax_delete_link

and a link controller:

def ajax_delete_link
  @link = Link.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|

and ajax_delete_link.js.erb with

var element = document.getElementById("id");
# This is the part that doesn't work. Not sure how to access the id

The controller deletes the database record but doesn't update the page. I am trying to remove the parent table row of the td that contains the a

html for that is

          <a href="/ajax_delete_link/396" data-confirm="Are you sure?" data-remote="true">ajaX</a>
like image 499
Michael Durrant Avatar asked Aug 07 '14 03:08

Michael Durrant

2 Answers

You'll be best doing the following


resources :links #-> will provide DELETE domain.com/ajax/:id as destroy action

Your routes need to be structured around objects. Considering you're trying to create a destroy action, you should be able to send an ajax request to it to get it to work properly

This will give you the ability to do the following:

<%= link_to "Ajax", link_path(link), method: :delete, id: link.id, data: { confirm: "Really?", remote: true } %> 

This will send an ajax (XHR) request to your links controller destroy action, which you can populate as follows:

Class LinksController < ApplicationController
   def destroy
       @link = Link.find parmas[:id]



The response you have is directly associated with how you're managing the mime type in your controller.

If you use the format.js technique, you can call the @instance method set in your controller to remove the element in question. If you use the standard Ajax callbacks, you'll have a different challenge:

Class LinksController < ApplicationController
   def destroy
     respond_to do |format|
       format.js #-> loads /links/destroy.js.erb
       format.html { redirect_to(links_url) }

This will give you the ability to create the following:

var element = document.getElementById("<%=j @link.id %>");

Alternatively, you can use the ajax success function to facilitate the callback, like so:

$(document).on("ajax:succes", "a", function(data){
like image 87
Richard Peck Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Richard Peck

I think your question is about how to refer to the element id in your js.erb template. It's a erb, so you can do just:

var element = document.getElementById(<%= @link.id %>);
alert(element); //just to see that it's getting to your template.

Just reminding that you will need an html element with id set as:

id="<%= link.id %>"
like image 31
Tiago Farias Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Tiago Farias