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Setting up cross-domain calls on Rails server

I'm developing a Rails API, and a separate html5 application. They do not share the same domain. How do I set up my Rails application to accept cross-domain requests? I have added the following to the top of my ApplicationController, but without any luck -

  before_filter :set_access_control_headers

  def set_access_control_headers
    headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = 'http://myfrontend.com:3002'
    headers['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = 'GET, OPTIONS, HEAD'
    headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with,Content-Type, Authorization'

My javascript on my other app looks as follows -

var req = $.ajax({
  url: url,
  type: "GET",
  crossDomain: true,

  success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)

When I run this request, I get the following in my server log -

Started OPTIONS "/api/search?location_uuid=22222222222222222" for at 2013-07-15 16:49:56 -0400
Processing by Api::V1::SearchController#index as JSON
  Parameters: {"location_uuid"=>"22222222222222222"}
WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
  User Load (20.5ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY name DESC LIMIT 30 OFFSET 0
(63.1ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" 
Completed 204 No Content in 300ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Anyone have any tips in getting this to work correctly?

like image 882
Blake Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 21:07


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Using rack-cors You need to inform Rails which origin it should allow. To do that, you need to create a new initializer for your application. This configuration will only allow HTTP POST calls to /order endpoint and all HTTP methods to any other endpoint. You need to pay close attention to the origins parameter.

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Fixing the “CORS” errorAdd the rack-cors gem to Gemfile and bundle install . Then open the file at config/initializers/cors. rb . You'll see that it's completely commented out at first.

What is rack CORS in rails?

Rack::Cors provides support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for Rack compatible web applications. The CORS spec allows web applications to make cross domain AJAX calls without using workarounds such as JSONP. See Cross-domain Ajax with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

What is CORS header?

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources.

1 Answers

It seems that adding the data-type as JSONP avoids the cross browser problems:

var req = $.ajax({
  url: url,
  type: "GET",
  crossDomain: true,
  dataType: "JSONP",

See this question for more info -

Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms?

like image 65
Blake Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10
