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How to enable SSL for SmtpClient in Web.config

Is there a way to set the EnableSSL from the web.config?

I could set this property in code, but that wouldn't work for the Simple Mail Web Event and other classes that uses the default Smtp Server. Any ideas?

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holiveira Avatar asked Jan 17 '09 23:01


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To enable SSL support, set the ALWAUTH parameter to either *LCLRLY or *RELAY using the Change SMTP Attributes (CHGSMTPA) command. If you set the parameter to *RELAY, only e-mails sent from the other SMTP server support the use of SSL.

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What is SmtpClient C#?

Allows applications to send email by using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The SmtpClient type is obsolete on some platforms and not recommended on others; for more information, see the Remarks section.

1 Answers

For .NET 3 and earlier: You can't. You have to manage it by hand.

For more information you can see https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vikas/2008/04/29/bug-asp-net-2-0-passwordrecovery-web-control-cannot-send-emails-to-ssl-enabled-smtp-servers/.

For .NET 4: You can.

See http://theoldsewingfactory.com/2011/01/06/enable-ssl-in-web-config-for-smtpclient/

<configuration>     <system.net>         <mailSettings>             <smtp deliveryMethod=”network”>                 <network host="localhost"                          port="25"                          enableSsl="true"                          defaultCredentials="true" />             </smtp>         </mailSettings>     </system.net> </configuration> 
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eKek0 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09
