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aspx.designer.cs how does it work?

I'm a really beginner so my question may be appear ridiculous.. But, i wonder how the files .aspx.designer.cs works.. It's the first time i work with a solution containing files .aspx.designer.cs for each pages. So i understand it's declaration of controls used in the .aspx for code-behind..

Here is my questions:

Why sometimes solutions doen't have .aspx.designer.cs files? (is the files hidden or doesn't exists?)

I often have problems with this files, they don't Automatically recreate declarations of controls when i add some in the .aspx code, what am i doing wrong?

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bAN Avatar asked Jul 19 '10 20:07


People also ask

What is the use of ASPX designer cs?

aspx. designer. cs file contains all the definition of the controls that are being used by the page. It's just segregation of the code using partial class feature.

What is ASPX cs file?

The aspx file contains your page markup. It's automatically converted into code by ASP.NET. The cs file contains the code behind your page (initialization, event handlers, etc.).

How do I run ASPX cs in Visual Studio?

You need to download the express version of Visual Studio for web development, create a new Web Forms project, and move this code into the Default. aspx . At that point you can just hit F5 in the IDE and the application will run.

How to design web page in website application using ASP NET?

asp.net Default.aspx web page in website application In above asp.net Default.aspxweb form we can see on bottom of the screen three option Design | Split | Source.  Design portion display the design output of web form, and the Source portion we write HTML code for design web page.

What is default page in ASP NET CCS?

The Default.aspx.cs page allow programmer to write c# programming code to develop website application. Related ASP.Net Topics : Server side control in asp.net Properties of server side control Subscribe us If you liked this asp.net post, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channelfor more asp.net video tutorials.

Do I need to worry about designer CS files?

If you have a Web Site project, you do no need to worry about designer.cs files, because they won’t be there: a Web Site does not need any, it’s the cleaner and more advanced version of a Web Application. If you are in doubt, check the picture on the right. When you delete the designer.cs file, the file must be listed like in the picture by Step 1.

How to convert an aspx project to a web application?

Convert to Web Application only if you removed the designer.cs file as described in Step 2, you will find this option when you right-click the project or the ASPX file. After you click this menu option, the designer.cs file will be regenerated for you.

2 Answers

The .aspx.designer.xx files are the bridge for the ASP.NET webforms code-behind files and the .aspx markup files. Any server control existing on the ,aspx markup page is represented here. Most important are the name and type of the server control.

This, in part, allows Visual Studio to give the user IntelliSense in the code-behind page for server controls created at design-time.

How they work: Visual Studio will generate, or keep in sync, a protected member in the .designer file when you add/remove a server control from the designer.

  protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList DropDownList1;

Notice that .designer files create a partial class. This provides the linkage to the code-behind file. That's how Intellisense gets the hook between the .aspx and the code-behind.

You can regenerate your designer file: web.archive.org for undermyhat.org

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p.campbell Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10


Visual Studio has two approaches for creating websites: Web Site Projects and Web Application Projects. (OK, OK, three if you add MVC).

Only Web Application Projects have designer.cs files. Web Site Projects don't have them.

The Web Application Project type was added in Visual Studio 2003.

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DOK Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10