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How to dump SoapClient request for debug?




I need to debug some code which uses soap client. I found getLast* methods in php.net, but when I try to get last request for debug it returns NULL

<?php      $client = new SoapClient("http://www.webservicex.net/ConverPower.asmx?WSDL");          $response = $client->ChangePowerUnit(array(         "PowerValue" => 100,         "fromPowerUnit" => "horsepower",         "toPowerUnit" => "megawatts"     ));               echo "====== REQUEST HEADERS =====" . PHP_EOL;     var_dump($client->__getLastRequestHeaders());     echo "========= REQUEST ==========" . PHP_EOL;     var_dump($client->__getLastRequest());     echo "========= RESPONSE =========" . PHP_EOL;     var_dump($response);  ?> 

The result of code execution:

$php soap_test.php   ====== REQUEST HEADERS ===== NULL ========= REQUEST ========== NULL ========= RESPONSE ========= object(stdClass)#2 (1) {   ["ChangePowerUnitResult"]=>   float(0.0746) } 

How to get the content of body and headers of the last SoapClient request?

like image 372
Denis Kreshikhin Avatar asked Dec 25 '12 11:12

Denis Kreshikhin

People also ask

How do you debug a SOAP fault?

The best practice for troubleshooting SOAP errors is to start a new client connection process with a dedicated log file associated with it. Opening a new client connection process allows you to isolate any faulty client traffic from your regular client traffic.

How do I get a response from a SOAP request?

Click the 'RAW' Tab in SOAP-UI Response Window to understand how the response is sent via HTTP. After processing the request, the http response code (200) is shown which means it is a success. The web-server has processed it successfully.

What is Soapclient PHP?

Description ¶ This is a low level API function that is used to make a SOAP call. Usually, in WSDL mode, SOAP functions can be called as methods of the SoapClient object. This method is useful in non-WSDL mode when soapaction is unknown, uri differs from the default or when sending and/or receiving SOAP Headers.

2 Answers

These functions only works if the SoapClient object was created with the trace option set to TRUE.


$client = new SoapClient("http://www.webservicex.net/ConverPower.asmx?WSDL", array('trace' => 1)); 
like image 146
xdazz Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10


Debug a SOAP request

  1. Using a SOAP extension

The easiest and best* way to debug a SOAP request is indeed to create a SOAP extension that logs the raw SOAP request and the raw SOAP response from the Web service or Web service client using the following functions of the SoapClient class:

  • SoapClient::__getLastRequestHeaders
  • SoapClient::__getLastRequest
  • SoapClient::__getLastResponseHeaders
  • SoapClient::__getLastResponse

To make it work, you do have to create your SoapClient object with the trace option turned on, as mentioned by xdazz:

$client = new MySoapClient($wsdlUrl, array('trace' => 1)); 

and then run your SOAP calls wrapped in a try-catch block:

try{    $result = $client->__SoapCall('routeCase', $params); }catch (\Exception $e){    throw new \Exception("Soup request failed! Response: ".$client->__getLastResponse()); } 

When developing SOAP solutions in PHP it is also a good idea to clean the PHP tmp folder when your WSDL contract changes (see your tmp folder path in phpinfo()) to force the PHP SoapClient to download WSDL and XSD files again instead of using the cached files (until they expire).

Furthermore, it's useful to set options like exceptions and cache_wsdl and the soap_version version whilst developing:

$options = array(      'soap_version'=>SOAP_1_2,      'exceptions'=>false,      'trace'=>1,      'cache_wsdl'=>WSDL_CACHE_NONE  ); 

*The downside of debugging using a SOAP extension is that certificate-errors happen before the actual request or something. So it's not possible to use getLastRequest() or getLastResponse() when there is a connection failure of some kind.

  1. Using Xdebug

Another interesting option to debug a SoapClient is setting a debug session cookie for Xdebug and your favorite IDE

$client = new SoapClient(     'http://example.loc/index.php/api/v2_soap/?wsdl' ); $client->__setCookie('XDEBUG_SESSION', 'NETBEANS'); 
  1. Using specialized SOAP Tracer & Debugger

Specialized SOAP Trace & Debug apps are very useful too: In addition to usual suspects like SoapUI, there are also intermediate tracing proxies like Charles as described here. The downside of this method is that more layers are added and therefore are likely to introduce new problems, e.g. handshake problems.

There are also some commercial SOAP Debuggers out that are worth the money, like the XML Spy SOAP Debugger or SOAPSonar which do validation and invocation. In any event, SoapUI is always a good companion.

If you suspect there is an issue on the network protocol level try Wireshark, a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows.

Logs, logs, logs

Basic error information can also be found in the PHP log and the web server log. Ensure you have turned on full error logging.

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wp78de Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
