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RVM equivalent for PHP?

I can't seem to find a way to switch versions of PHP quickly. Is there something equivalent to ruby version manager for php? I need to switch between 5.3 and 5.2 on OS X.

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johmas Avatar asked Sep 01 '10 14:09


3 Answers

For PHP alternatives to RVM and rbenv, you have phpbrew, phpenv and php-version. Please be aware that I am the author of php-version so of course I prefer it as I wrote it to scratch my own itch (I wanted something minimal with command completion); however, phpenv is quite good as well. You would do well to use either.

On OS X, you can install a PHP version manager using Homebrew.

First, add the PHP formulae for homebrew:

% brew tap homebrew/homebrew-php

Then, using the formulae installed from homebrew-php you can install either with:

% brew install php-version


% brew install phpenv

The php-version README.md lists a few more alternatives so you might want to have a look.

BTW, I would consider php-version to be more aligned with chruby in that it tries to do one thing well.

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Wil Moore III Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11

Wil Moore III

I think phpfarm is most close php alternative of rvm, it also installing pyrus which is like ruby gems for php world.

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wik Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11


If you are not use php-cgi and Install different versions of PHP to different locations

  1. Find different version libphp5.so,and copy into the different location

  2. If use php5.3.11 or php5.4.11

     ln -s php5.3.11 php  || ln -s php5.4.11
  3. Depoly your apache httpd.conf

     LoadModule php5_module        YOUR_PHP_PATH/php/libphp5.so
  4. restart apache

     sudo apachectl restart
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cloudsben Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11
