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How to do source level debugging of x86 code with GDB inside QEMU?

I wrote a x86 assembly program for MBR section. I compile it as follows:

nasm hellombr.asm -f bin -o hellombr.img

Then I run it in qemu:

qemu -fda hellombr.img -boot a

The question is how can I debug my program at source level?

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hellodanylo Avatar asked Nov 27 '11 16:11


2 Answers

You should let nasm create the debugging symbols in an ELF file and then dump this to a flat binary to be used in the MBR. You can then instruct GDB to read the necessary symbols from the ELF file.

The complete procedure would then become something like this:

$ nasm hellombr.asm -f elf -g -o hellombr.elf
$ objcopy -O binary hellombr.elf hellombr.img
$ qemu -s -S -fda hellombr.img -boot a
$ gdb
(gdb) symbol-file hellombr.elf
(gdb) target remote localhost:1234

For an explanation of the flags I pass to qemu see this answer.

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mtvec Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09


Instead of using qemu, use bochs. It is completely compatible, albeit slower. It is also an emulator but if you make it from sources, using these flags and build it like this:

./configure --enable-debugger --enable-disasm --disable-docbook
make install

you can place breakpoints in your code, step through it, view GDT, IDT and everything you needed to know.

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Manuel Ferreria Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Manuel Ferreria